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Message ID: 24176
Date: Thu Mar 1 19:46:14 GMT 2001
Author: blitz_krieg@bigfoot.com
Subject: DDD worthless? How would you change it?

> >So, now that we all (except whee) agree it's worthless to mem,
what changes would need to be made to make it worth memming in place
of some other song?

> by the way, what would be the reasoning behind giving us more power
with this song? how would it help balance the classes as a whole by
giving us more damage? shada i believe said we are already balanced
or even overpowered in the non uber raid arena. how would this not
make us overpowered or overpower us even more in this area? how
would this even help us in the uber raid area since most nonlure type
damage spells are heavily resisted anyway?

I suppose the same reasoning VI used when they upgraded (lol) the
damage DDD is doing. But, my intent with the change in topic is to
find out just what would be considered worthwhile for this song.
Everyone is saying it sucks. What would make it _not_ suck. I'm not
really concerned with it making us overpowered in a non-uber raid
environment... I want to find out what changes it would take for 90%+
of the Bards to mem this song.

> >Make it DD rather than AE?
> we already have a targetted DD song at 55 (and 12 i guess heh).

> >What would be the point of ever memming our 55 BBB (except maybe
for the stun effect) if DDD was made single target? Other than
having 2 songs to cycle through, but who has 2 free song slots?
> well you answered your own previous question i guess heh.

Part of what I was thinking about as I wrote these suggested fixes
was the crappiness of BBB in comparison to the crappiness of DDD.
Usually a one target spell does more damage than AE. Why would we
get a song that does less damage, 12 levels later? Sure, it has a
shorter recast so the damage over time is _almost_ equal if you're
only hitting 2 targets with DDD. But, it seems like they should have
left DDD where it was and increased the damage that BBB puts out.

BTW, the numbers I heard were 20 mins sitting time, or 40 mins
standing time to regain 1 DDD load of mana.
