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Message ID: 24642
Date: Tue May 8 17:58:42 BST 2001
Author: Bill Mann
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Guild Loot Rules

(tried sending this once before, and it got returned :oP )

My guild recently allied with 2 others to have a sizeable raiding force, and
have come up with a point-based system that seems to work pretty well (it's
new so there may be kinks)

Everyone starts out at 20pts. This is the base minimum you can have, and
therefore roll to (ie: /random 1 20)
For your first raid, you get 30 points (this is to help folks who may not
belong to any of the 3 guilds, yet are along to help)
If you stay for a whole raid, you get 30 points (shorter raids get smaller
If you stay for 2 hours to about halfway, you get half points
If you pass on a roll for your class (that isn't junk) you get an extra 5 or
10 (can't remember which) points per pass (this helps folks who are only
after one or two items)
Winning something knocks off 10 points (although I would like to see it
dropped to base 20), and you are not allowed to roll again until everyone in
that class has won something (unless it's an uber item).

One of the main reasons for this was fairness. We wanted to be able to
reward folks for coming on raids they wouldn't normally go on (Clerics in
Fear) without over-penalizing folks who can't make it due to RL. We also
wanted to set up a heirarchy so that folks who only needed a few items would
have a better shot, without using level as a point-modifier (therefore
encouraging p-leveling just so you can be the highest level and get a better
chance at something). This gives EVERYONE a shot at an item, the more
you've won, the less of a shot youhave. The more you've gone on and the
more loot you've passed on, the better a shot you have.

We have also broken loot into 3 gropups:
trash (ie: Imbrued bracers)
Common (legs, arms, bps, etc)
rares (rare and god drops)
Trash loses no points for being looted, and gains no points for passing
(trash is determined by a class beforehand)
The rares and god drops will most likely be NBG or straight /random if more
than 1 is deemed in need

49th Season of Bardic Fun
New OutRiders
The Rathe

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt DeBarger" <mattdeba@...>
To: <eqbards@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Guild Loot Rules

> A couple of things:
> My guild's loot is distributed by the raid leader. Plain and simple. You
> just need to trust your raid leaders to be fair :)
> Bards are a tough class to decide on loot rights. For weapons any other
> melee class can use them better than us (since they all have dual attack),
> thus isn't the guild served best by having them go to the real melees. No
> to mention, a portion of a bard's life he isn't even using weapons. This
> definitly includes most large mobs, which really make a or break a guild.
> Example: We killed Wuoshi. He(she?) dropped the Crscent Blade (a SWEET
> 1HS) and An Emerald Scimitar (very good ratio, but slow as hell, +100
> The raid leader (clearly) awarded the crscent blade to one of our warriors
> who does have his epics yet and gave the scimitar to a druid who isn't in
> our guild but id on at least half our raids (we have about 10 players who
> are members of small guilds, but might as well be in our guild for raid
> purposes). However, the warrior was asked to give his lammy (replaced by
> the crescent blade) to me, since I did not get the scimitar. (then we
> discovered bards can't wield lammy's, heh)
> A similar case can be made for armor. Would the guild not be better
> by having a tank with a higher ac? THough bards do take a beating too...
> However bards can't be totally shafted by loot either. 1. No raid leader
> wants to shaft anyone. 2. (at least on my server) Good bards are rare,
> most guilds don't have enough (I go on raids with at least 3 other guilds,
> and we have a group of 4 bards who regularly join us from those same
> The 6 (2 from my guild) of us have discussed forming a union, hehehehe)
> I like point systems and if I was in charge of a guild, we would use one.
> However, there is something nice about just doing "whats best for the
> Elfson Allegro 55 (WOOHOO!!!) <The Circle of Eternity> Veeshan
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