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Message ID: 24778
Date: Tue May 22 16:43:54 BST 2001
Author: blitz_krieg@bigfoot.com
Subject: Re: Ding 60!

Mu wrote:
A quick comment on the Power lvl'd remark. You only remember the bad
ones because the good ones don't say a thing about it. You could say
my warrior is power lvl'd. Or you could say he grouped exclusively
with my enchanter from 1 to 45.

I realized after I hit send and reread what I wrote that I was a
little hard on pled characters, hehe. The "don't know what they're
doing" part is probably more important and can be found plenty in non-
pled, non-twinked people as well. I've just had some bad experiences
with characters who's skills were sorely underdeveloped for their
level which put the group at risk. I've probably grouped with many
twinks/pled characters and didn't even know it. :) What I was more
reacting to (from my own thoughts), was the idea that people throw
out "I made 50 in 4 days!" like it's some kind of badge of honor.
There's exceptions to everything, but on face value, I would trust a
Level 50 Warrior with 50 days played MUCH more than a Level 50
Warrior with 10. And that's on an EASY class to learn. :)
Obviously, someone taking the time to research and learn a class can
make up for the lack of experience, tho. :)

Brilinnia wrote::
> Gratz Darkfox! Glad to hear you made it. Saw you briefly in HS
sunday night, looked like you guys were doing CR. I was running our
tp'er over for us to leave, so if you spoke and I didn't respond, it
was because I wasn't at that machine.
> I agree with what Darkfox says about exp and grouping. HS is
awesome for exp, I just dinged to 57 myself there. You do have to
take a group in with you though, and of course everyone has to have a
key. We hardly ever do pickup groups. If guild and friends can't fill
group, we log or play twinks.
> Maybe that's due to being on Xegony. Lots of very opinionated
people on Xegony, to put it mildly.

No worries, Bril, it was chaos at the zone in anyway... I couldn't
figure out why we were fighting all the roamers and golems when there
was another group there (not yours) working for exp, eheh.

Speaking of that particular CR... Anyone know if they changed the way
CoH works? I know it's not 100%, but it hasn't cleared aggro twice
in the recent past. This time it was a resisted lull in Drusella's
room, which normaly means I'm gonna eat it, but we decided to try to
CoH, which was superbly timed, but every last one of them rushed the
group. I had even managed to mez one of the golems so we could
easily pull a single out of the pile. :/

Oh well, nothing shows you the character of the group you're in until
you see how they react to a CR situation... and a pretty nasty one at
that, hehe. The RNG (on lull) worked in our favor the next time
around and we got singles or duo's out of the room and Drusella
dropped the not-so-crappy-but-not-an-NOS Rod of Oblations again. :/

Congrats on 57! Enjoy Rondo and getting your Atk rating above 1000
or 1100 or even 1200! :)

Just another opinionated people on Xegony :)