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Message ID: 248
Date: Mon Apr 26 05:09:23 BST 1999
Author: Greg
Subject: Re: Its not just Dendall, but alot of the Soerbaird.

Heh, thats a good story. Well Jythril was in beta. Think he reached a whole 10th level. At first he was cool then he came quite annoying. In the beginning he was perfectly role playing a bard. And doing good at that. After awhile his name caught on so did his ego. Fellow bards were asking him questions about songs ect..and he couldnt answer them. So he went anon. Now from all I hear his has his own guild and his ego has gotten way out of hand. Btw...the GM that threatened you should be reported. She shouldnt be on the same server as the one she "patrols".
All in all I'm sure Jythril has his own tale to spin. Im sure you said a few choice words and were in fact acting like an idiot but to what extent only you and the parties know. If you were in fact cussing and slamming then I probably would have ignored you two. Bards get a song to see invis but most like it was cast on him. ANd you died because you were not aware about guards (Phase 2 you say?) It goes like this..if you as an erudite attack a human near a human town..guess who gets it. No matter who started it. Its the same any where. Ogres in Neriak are welcome. But if they attack a drow the Oger gets it. Now if you were in Erudian or whatever the name is, the guards would have attacked her.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ford Prefect <migraine@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 11:31 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Its not just Dendall, but alot of the Soerbaird.

It's been my observation that alot of the Soerbaird are arrogant, clique-ish and self-important. Dendall, Isara, Jythri and Amrothe come to mine, all on the Fennin Ro server. Dendall , you may remember from that particularly rude thread (yea SnowLynx! Sort him out! ;P ) about people with "poor deductive logic" and "I don't care to try and correct some of these things" . my experiences with Amrothe are that alot of people actively dislike him, he is rude, many claim that he has "trained" them with devastating monsters using Accelerando, such as sand giants, and that he steals kills. i have seen him fighting and swearing on /ooc and /shout in oasis with people i know to be good, if rather agravatable, people. My experience with Isara and Jythri comes down to just plain meanness. i was talking to Isara, who is also a guide (kinda makes you wonder?) who i was talking to with my other character, an enchanter, and accidentally hit the "slap" macro key i set in Socials instead of the Wave key, and she proceeded to /duel me, and she was at least lvl 15, where i was 7. Being an Erudite, i tried to RP it, being so sure of my intellectual superiority, that she could not defeat me. i cast Invisibility on myself and started looking for her, knowing that the only way i stood a chance was to hit and run. she shouted insults to me, and i playfully shot back, and then Jythri came along and could somehow see me even though i was invisible, told isara my location, and then chased me to the guards, where i turned off Invis, expecting them not to attack because the guards would protect me, as they had in the past. that was not a wise assumption. Isara attacked me, and the guards did nothing, but when i attacked back, they slaughtered me. when i came back, outraged that i had died due to jythri's interference (isn't the definition of a duel one on one, not one against one and their guild?) i shouted that Jythri's meddling was an outrage, a dishonorable, rude, and cruel thing to do, and i would make him pay for it! he told me he /ignored me. when i talked to isara about this, she told me to quit whining ( i admit, i was but i had just died to a bard who could somehow see invisible, and whom the guards would not attack, but would attack me , two very questionable tactics , although i dont want to say exploit thats what i think they were) she told me that she was a GM and if i pursued the issue anymore i would get banned.i have been beta testing since phase 2 and am good friends with one of the coders, so i didn't take it seriously.but does EverQuest really want their guides representing them like this, and do bards really want the "Official" bards' guild having such a bad reputation?