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Message ID: 2506
Date: Mon Jun 28 14:05:02 BST 1999
Author: David.Lynam@xxxxxx.xx.xxx
Subject: Levitation

Well, I finally got out of the first level of hell, and was able to try the
song I had prebought two weeks prior to hitting 31, Agilmente's Aria of
Eagles. Boy was it nice. Not only did it levitate me, but when it pulses
it actually raises you up a bit, so when it pulses during the highest point
of the wavey motion, it actually lifts you higher. I took it through
Dagnor's Cauldron, soaring past the aqua goblin camp, and paying no heed to
the steep cliffs. I entered Unrest and floated around in the outside a bit.
I perched atop the small island to the right next to the gazebo, and
attempted to fly over to the door's canopy. I didn't quite make it, and no
sooner was I simultaneously attacked by a Greater Dark Bone, a Tentacle
Terror, and a Dark Terror from the depths of the basement. These were no
where to be seen, but my text box was spammed with red. My health quickly
dropped, and despite my efforts to flee, my pursuers were always right on my
tail. I eventually fell to their blows and received a birds eye view of my
corpse while I loaded to my home point. Rather than being in the courtyard,
as I was when I died, my corpse was in a cavernous very basement like area.
Seems as I was floating serenely around unrest I was really floating noisily
down in the basement and disturbing the peace of some very nasty creatures
that dwell therein. Three hours later, after delving fully invis into the
basement scouring it's entirety for my corpse, locating it through a wall,
and dealing with a very uncooperative guide (who said it was VERY
retreivable and levitation worked just fine) it was summoned to me, and I
went about my merry way. The point of this story is to ask at any attempts
at an explanation as to why this happened, and how I can safely use
levitation. It really is a blast as I thought it would be, but who knows
what mischeif and trouble I could get myself into in other multi level
dungeons. So, sorry for rambling, but has anyone else experienced this, and
does anyone want to venture an explanation?
