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Message ID: 2540
Date: Mon Jun 28 21:46:10 BST 1999
Author: Beth Moursund
Subject: EQ slang (was RE: [eqbards] Hell level?)

Corrections/comments on the EQ slang list at

* Tuk, Shin, etc. are all types of frogloks, not separate races. You get
combinations like a froglok shin warrior, froglok tuk knight, froglok tuk
shaman, etc. I'm told that their toughness runs more or less in
alphabetical order.

* Lull is used not only for the pre-combat spells that prevent a monster
from reacting when its neighbor is attacked, but also for the in-combat
"lullaby" bard song that "turns off" creatures temporarily (similar to
enchanter's Enthrall). (This double meaning can sometimes cause a lot of

* You commented that mules are not approved of by Verant and may be deleted
if found. Where did you get this info? I have two mule characters on a
friend's account (one in Freeport and one in Kelethin) that exist mostly to
hang onto spell research components, since there are enough different ones
to fill most of a bank account. I also use them when I need to give
something to someone but don't want to hang around waiting for them -- I'll
give the item to the holder character, tell the person to let me know when
they get to the bank, and then log that character in to transfer the item.

* You commented that twinking is not approved of by Verant and may result
in character deletion. This is definitely not true. Verant has said that
they don't care, and that the game has some balance factors that prevent
low level characters from gaining huge advantage from powerful items.

A few EQ slang terms I've run into that aren't in your list:

beetle paste - Deep deep red. (Red means "you will die." Beetle paste red
means "you and five of your friends will be reduced to beetle paste.")

cowboy - A player who runs off and attacks stuff when the party (or even
the player himself) isn't finished recuperating from the last fight.

dress - see "nightie."

momma - mammoth (as opposed to mammoth calf). It's unwise to attack a calf
when one of these is nearby.

no drop - Item that can't be traded or dropped, but sticks around when you
log out. (cf. No rent)

nuke (2) - see "hose." (I've never heard "hose" used this way,

smurf - Dark elf.

wanderer - any NPC that wanders around in a dungeon, rather than sitting in
one place. ("Don't kill the wanderer in the graveyard - it will pull the
whole castle!")

- Windsong Wanderer, bard on Solusek Ro