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Message ID: 2558
Date: Mon Jun 28 23:38:22 BST 1999
Author: jjb@xxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: EQ slang

Well hot damn, that means when I get lung cancer from smoking all these
years that I can sue the people who made them! It's not MY fault that I
bought them in the store, not my fault I lit a bunch of crushed up plants
held together with chemically treated paper, which the paper is held round
with glue, then stuck the fiberglass type material in my mouth and sucked
on it while the opposite end was glowing red. Woohoo, using SaTaN, ahem,
excuse me, s8n's, logic, I'm bound to be a millionaire.


when you grow up you'll be able to tell the difference between right and
wrong, between knowing what's the correct course of actions without someone
telling you what they are. Or maybe some other kid wanting to blame
everyone else for thier bullshit will shoot you (so they can be as cool as
the "gangsta's") and your parents can sue the company that made the gun.
(since it won't be the kid who pulled the trigger's fault, no need to even
put him in jail)

At 06:30 PM 6/28/99 EDT, you wrote:
>From: MrS8N@...
>I don't want to be specific about locations but there are certain creatures
>who get caught in walls when you lure them there and then you can slowly,
>surely, bellow them to death. I haven't done it as much as I wanted to
>because it isn't worth it anymore as the creatures in question are mostly
>blue to me now but imagine how happy I'd have been to have found this spot
>when they were all red. My point really is--hold on to your helms,
>RPers--who cares how you get your levels as long as you get them and get on
>to the getting of the cool stuff so you can whip Lord Mistmore? Oh the
>dismay and anger the purple people showered me with as they watched me
>"cheat". Far as I am concerned, playing honorably with an object like a
>computer game is just plain silly. If the bug wasn't there I *couldn't*
>exploit it so therefore it is Verant's fault, not mine, that I--or anyone
>else for that matter--can use it. It isn't cheating. It is using your head
>to take advantage of an opportunity granted, intentional or otherwise.
>Bottom line: RPers, generally, are exactly as Shanda said--a bunch of wacko
>powermad control mongers who chastise and harrass "normal"--stress the word
>"normal"--people. They are like the Bob Barrs of Everquest. Play how they
>want you to play or they will contact a GM(the granddaddies and epitomy of
>powermad RPers)and bring legislation against you. This is the only
problem I
>have ever found with an otherwise outstanding game. Purple people mind your
>own freakin' business and quit whining to the GMs every time you see someone
>playing the way your dork ass wouldn't.
>21st no matter how I got here.
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