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Message ID: 25842
Date: Thu Feb 14 22:35:02 GMT 2002
Author: Katye and Brandon
Subject: RE: [eqbards] song timer

I pretty much use the timer as one of the things to reference outside gut
instinct yes :-)

it's nice to have a solid reference other than a line of text in amidst
massive battle spam


At 02:52 PM 02/14/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I've never attempted to twist 4 in a group - because at my level and in the
>zones I'm in you don't want to miss the first call of "/g run" or "/shout
>train" or "/g zone" etc. I have attempted 4 numerous times while soloing.
>Usually Hymn, CoD, Bellow, Bellow. I'd say I manage to twist 4 (using
>Atonal's proper definition) half to one third of the time. With that
>particular song combo it's usually worth it for me to try it solo. But
>then you don't get to brag to your groupmates about it.
>I suppose it's possible I'm impressing onlookers. Ah but then with all
>that mashing I'd miss the ":applaud" :-)
>Hey, on a related note, now that we've all presumably gotten used to the
>song timer, anyone else starting to find it useful?
>a bubble from 20
>Unrest, Tunare
> "John
> Grady"
> <john_grady@bi To: eqbards@yahoogroups.com
> gfoot.com> cc:
> Subject: RE: [eqbards]
> twisting 5, added note
> 02/14/2002
> 02:24
> PM
> Please
> respond
> to
> eqbards
>This is funny. I can remember every once in awhile someone in my guild
>would say; "I grouped with
>so-and-so and s/he can twist 4+ plus songs, can you?" So I'd explain how it
>ensures that resists
>will be off a percentage of the time, I won't be able to talk or see
>messages fly by, etc., etc.
>I'm mostly retired now, but once I explained it to them, my guild never
>went with this marketing
>If someone wants a key mashing job, I suppose they have every right to
>market themselves. In all
>honesty, I think is the only time I've twisted four was to impress a new
>group. And in reality, it
>always seems like they think its 4 but I know its only 3.5.
>Tzeetch, Troubador of Tunes
>The Commune, Xegony
>Asmerelda, 39th Healer
>The Dark Order, Lancelot
>P.S. This is the most activity I've seen on this list in months. Good
>--- Christopher Sanders <christopher.sanders@...> wrote:
>Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that a person is actually<BR>
>"twisting" 5 songs.  Factor in cast times, and song duration
>after it ends,<BR>
>and when twisting 4 songs, almost always, the first effect will drop
>you get back to it.  You can add amplification to a 4 song twist, and
>it 5, but when it comes time to refresh amplification, you'll probably
>an effect just as you're trying to twist it back in, resulting in a catch
>effect where a song wears off a pulse or two before it can be refreshed,
>the way through the twist, so you've only got 3 songs active anyway,
>counting amplification.<BR>
>I'm not sure if anyone ever actually defined "twisting".  To
>me, it is the<BR>
>ability to keep the effects of multiple songs **active** on my group, or
>the mob, at ALL times.  A 3 song twist is common among high level
>bards (am<BR>
>I a high level bard now?  :P ).  Why?  Because we've been
>playing the class<BR>
>long enough to realize that, under most circumstances, it is the best
>Some song lineups, and situations make a 4 song twist desired, and
>possible, it's a lot harder, and is only practical when the occassional<BR>
>dropped effect isn't that big a deal.  Like manasong, which is a shot
>mana when pulsed, and not a regen effect.<BR>
>But when you're talking a song effect dropping for a duration of time,
>is what would happen in a 5 song twist...well, it's not really a twist.<BR>
>If you insist it is, then I'd like to be the first to introduce myself
>the best bard in EQ, because I can twist 8.<BR>
>-----Original Message-----<BR>
>From: KAZ [mailto:kazvorpal@...]<BR>
>Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:17 AM<BR>
>To: eqbards@yahoogroups.com<BR>
>Subject: RE: [eqbards] twisting 5, added note<BR>
>--- Michael Roach <MikeRoach@...> wrote:<BR>
>> A great bard does not need to twist 5 songs.  A bard who twists 3
>or more<BR>
>> songs knows what he is doing and is playing his character well. 
>> your character well has nothing to do with how much expensive
>> equipment you can afford or how good your equipment is.<BR>
>As utopian and egalitarian as this sounds, it doesn't make any sense.<BR>
>One who twists three may be ROLE playing well, but logically one who
>five is, obviously, contributing /more/ to the group. Period. One plus
>equals two, no matter how embarassing it may be to those with only one.<BR>
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