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Message ID: 2916
Date: Tue Jul 6 16:07:05 BST 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Re: Intro & Advice Request (Long)

Well met young bard! Here is my advice to you, as you start your journey.

First off Rivervale is a great place to base out of, Misty Thicket is a
great area you can level all the up into the low teens and never leave
(other then to train). Since you are there do the Squad Ring quest, I'm
23rd level and the ring still comes in handy.

On the weapon choice issue I am a fan of fast weapons, IMO the best weapons
to get are a regular (non-rusty) dagger and a regular short sword. Both are
very fast (dagger 20 delay, short sword 24), this allow you to hit alot and
get more skill checks for weapon skill increases. Since your server is
still young Fine Steel weapons are going to be scarce, but if you can get
one or two of those do so. Most people will sell em for 2 to 4 plat for the
dagger and short sword.

Now you are wondering "How am I going to afford this?" well the best way is
to take up a trade! Tailoring is a great trade on a young server and you
will find plenty of wolf skins in the Rivervale area. Other good skills for
money is Brewing and Pottery. Both need seed money to get to the money
making points (brewing needs about 5 plat, pottery around 20 plat).

Now for songs, first piece of advice BUY ALL YOUR SONGS! :) Now that said
you do not have to buy them in order. Of your first 10 songs there are a few
you can put off buying till later: Jaxan's Jig O Vigor(3), Lyssa' Locating
Lyric(4, unless in a zone where dying while lost is common), and Elemental
Rhythms (9, unless fighting casters which is rare at this level). Also
besure to train in, buy, and practice your instruments when they become
available, esp Percussion and String. Percussion (drums) will make Accerando
fly and String gives a big boast to Hymn of Restoration.

Song Tactics:
1st level - Always sing Chant of Battle.
2nd level - Experiment with Chords of Dissonance (CoD), be very careful as
it is easy to get over your head with this song at second level. Also
practice 'twisting' this song with Chant of Battle.
3rd level - Get a little bolder with CoD, most of the critters in the newbie
area will fall quickly to it allowing you to level fast with lots of little
kills. Do not be afraid to die as there is no penalty (other then re-meming
songs). Besure to attack the strongest opponent first.
4th level - Continue level 3 tactics.
5th level - Go after tougher stuff, you can even do two whites at this level
if you have full patchwork armor (you did take up tailoring, right? <grin>).
And if the two whites are too tough use your new song Accerando (THE best
song in the book) to run for the zone.
6th level - Work Hymn of Restoration into your song twisting, it greatly
reduces down time.
7th level - Twist Chant of battle and your new song Jonathan's Whistling
Warsong, you get a double str and ac boast plus attack speed boast.
8th level - Your new song allows you to pull few mobs from a group, lull one
or more (you have to be quick) and pull a non-lulled mob. Great for those
goblin camps in Misty Thicket.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server