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Message ID: 2934
Date: Tue Jul 6 19:35:32 BST 1999
Author: Adar
Subject: Re: Digest Number 157


I have a C300A (not overclocked), a TNT, and 128 MB RAM. I can almost always
juggle 3 songs (mind you, I don't always do it, tho I should...but it's
doable for me.) It could be the view I'm using; I play in the first view in
800x600 res, and although I do get slowdowns with high particle density,
setting it to low means I still see root and get almost no lag even with 3-4
24's in my group (I'm usually the low level...Unrest is a cool if deadly
place to be if you're inside the house, but it's no fun outside.)

As to the hot buttons, I like to keep my 3 most heavily rotated songs and my
attack key in the first box (for obvious reasons), along with Forage and
Sense Heading (I suppose this could be changed to Loc and Assist, too.) My
second box has another Attack on top, then a Loc, then the six slots I use
for my inventory- the two melee weapons on top, and the four bottom
inventory slots on the bottom. The first three of these hold instruments,
the fourth is empty (this is why the mino horn doubling as brass and wind is
soooooo important- I can switch to an instrument in 3 mouse clicks because I
have an empty space left to put the weapon in.) The third and fourth have
various utility commands for when I'm in the second view and don't want to
switch back, and the last two boxes are so far empty. Try that, especially
the inventory thing- I have never dropped an item needlessly since I started
using it.

Abbalar, L20 bard, Fennin Ro (mostly retired...switching to racewar when it
comes out)

> Message: 21
> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 13:32:23 -0400 (EDT)
> From: John Kim <kim@...>
> Subject: Re: Quick Keys/Songs
> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Brendan Daly wrote:
> >
> > The advantage is in twisting.
> >
> > Instead of moving the mouse and clicking - esp hard during some mage
> > spells due to screen saturation.
> Does anyone *not* have this problem? My system is pretty high
> end (Celeron 450, 128MB RAM, Voodoo 3 card) and ever since I
> got the extra lights at L24, unless I turn particle density
> off (meaning I don't see spell effects like root at all), I go
> from twisting 3 songs easily to barely twisting 2. I'm
> thinking of changing my video card because a friend with a
> Riva TNT said it wasn't that bad on her system (same CPU
> speed, RAM). Of course she isn't a bard so she doesn't have
> to juggle songs. Do any of you have an easy time twisting
> with lots of spells flying? What video card do you use?
> The thing that really irks me about this is that it's a client
> side problem. The determination that "you haven't yet
> recovered" to sing another song is completely client side, and
> completely dependent on the speed of your system. When I had
> a P200 with a Voodoo 1, it took ages for the song buttons to
> un-grey when I stopped singing. When I upgraded to my current
> system, it was almost instant, except as noted above when lots
> of spells are flying. I would prefer to be able to turn off
> the button un-grey animation sequence and suffer a flat time
> delay which doesn't change with CPU speed.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...
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