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Message ID: 3069
Date: Thu Jul 8 12:14:08 BST 1999
Author: Michal Hobson
Subject: Re: Twisting

Wow, kinda disillusioned with EverQuest right now?

> Can you get to level 50 without twisting? You can get there without
> any songs. But parties are going to question what good you are. Why does
> hunting party need a bard? Really... they don't. So you need to really
> impress people ya don't know. God I had to get a full suit of bronze so I
> could get into parties at level 20 because of all the damn twinks.

At a meager level 13, I grouped with several lvl 20+ characters the other
day in Highpass who were delighted to have me in the party. Of course I got
no xp, but that was never my intention. (I did make about 20pp in just
under an hour and bought my Dragoon Dirk for essentially no out of pocket
expense. Hehe!!) I didn't even have to fight, just equipped my lute, made
sure I was within range of them all as they were fighting, twisted heal with
anthem and ocassionally tossed in a bellow on the rare orc that conned less
than red to me. Their downtime was so minimal, it was sick. I was
constantly getting "I love bards" and "I love this song!" They were
actually getting bored waiting for the next orc train to show. Which was
pretty cool considering when I first arrived, they had all just sprinted out
of the zone away from a train!!

> And twisting is not an exploit, but rather a "feature" of our class. We
> balanced with twisting in mind.

A ray of hope.......

> Will one song be good enough? Sure, and your party will boot you out when
> the first tank comes along because you are doing 20 points of damage a
> round, constantly frenzying the mobs, and don't add anything to the party
> a whole.

Doh, so close to actually saying something positive about the bard in
EverQuest. No offense, but if you want to put in your 2cp on how bad you
believe the bard is, please reserve your comments to those which might
actually be helpful or, save it for the message boards. The vast majority
of the people on this list LOVE their bards and play them religiously. Some
even continue to add postive input to the list long after their bard has
played out or achieved lvl 50 (Much Congrats Shada!!!!) I love this list
for all the useful info I get. I don't want to hear how bad I am going to
suck when I get to level X. Seems that we have several people here that
have experienced quite the contrary.

Just my opinion,
Weiland of Freeport
Erollisi Marr