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Message ID: 308
Date: Tue Apr 27 20:38:24 BST 1999
Author: Roop Dirump
Subject: Songs descriptions

>From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
> PS, can anyone point everyone to a GOOD list of the songs, with
>descriptions in clear English (rather than a rote copy of the uselessness
>that s the player guide). If not, I will make one and let everyone give
This fellow posted his -own- descriptions of songs on the EQvault board, and
I, seeing a gem, cut and pasted them to a text document a while back. It
served me well so far. :)

Perhaps a few higher level bards might compile a larger list, though I won't
be needing it for a while. I like Rynn's descriptions because they're
personal, perhaps that's why I kept them. More like he's a music critic....


Songs up to level 26 and what they do

Posted by Rynn L26 bard Mith Marr on April 19, 1999 at 06:27:35:

(rxsevengtu.ne.mediaone.net -

In Reply to: Can someone help a bard out with some info... posted by
Boaz on April 17, 1999 at 06:57:35:

1 Chant of battle

Adds Str, Ac, and DEX Full party

2 Chords of DIssonance

Area effect damage over time (when ya get lute "ouch!")

3 Jaxans Jig 'O vigor

Regenerates stamina (I don't know ANYONE who REALLY usus this song)
[roop: hey swim an ocean or sewer sometime!]

4 Lyssa's locating lyric

Finds corpses.. good money maker and imperative for those times when
you lag out... and keep running then log back in to find yourself dead
somewhere far far away from where you last were

5 Selo's accelerando

THE SONG :) Speeds you up.. use it for escapes and travel.. or just
tooling around. Saves immense amounts of time... and gets faster as you get
higher in levels. So fast actually, that bards get the safe fall skill later
on, so that we don't damage ourselves going down hills.

6 Hymn of restoration

THE SONG number two! Wait for the lute though to see the full
potential. At level 26 I believe I heal 14 to 16 hit points per "flash" in
game. When you first get the lute you can expect to heal at 6 per flash.

7 Johnthan's whistling warsong

Speeds up self attack, and adds str and AC. Perfect soloing song.

8 Kelin's lugubrious lament

Very different type of song. Say you have two monster's next to each
other... and you only want to attack one. You cast lament on one, then
attack the other. The lamented one will not "help" the other one. Make sure
you "pull" the monster though, as the song effect wears off quickly, and you
want to be a ways away when that happens.

9 Elemental rythms

Adds to resist of magic, fire and cold. You will not use this one until
much later in the game. No need to buy it at level 9

10 Anthem de arms

Kinda like a full party level 7 song. Excellent song... must have.
Speeds up party attack (and speeds it up more and more as you gain levels)

11 Cinda's charismatic carillion

Dunno what is wrong with this song... but it does not seem to work.
Supposed to add charisma to yourself but all it does is "nothing" I wouldn't
buy it unless you know how to use it (in which case please tell me) or until
they fix it.

12 Brusco's boastful bellow.

long range damage for 7 to start... gets higher as you go up (at level
26 this song does 14 per hit for me). IMPORTANT SONG great for pulling or
just dealing additional damage during a fight

13 Purifying rythms

adds to poison, disease and magic resist. Never used this one
really.... as it does not stack with elemental rythms, and more often than
not you want that resist from fire and cold... not poison and disease.

14 Lyssa's cataloging lyric

No need for this song since magic items already appear as identified.
Besides it costs like 20 PP...

15 Kelin's lucid lullaby

GOt 100 monsters attacking you? Want them to stop? Play this song and
put them all to sleep... If yer good enough.... you could sleep 10 or so
monsters comfortably while your party kills them one at a time. GREAT
song... and HEAVILY used at higher levels.

16 Tarew's aquatic something or other :)

Water breathing. Only thing I have used it for it to take a peek into
Kedge Keep... and underwater dungeon that NEEDS some kind of water
breathing since it is ALL underwater. Level 40 plus dungeon I hear.. and I
don't doubt it since the darn fish there are red to me at 26 :) No real need
to buy this one until later, but good song for practicing wind instruments.

17 Guardian rythms

I have begun using this song ALOT. When you are up against casting
monsters, this song puts up a spell shield, and raises magic resist by alot.
Gives you a few AC too.

18 Denon's disruptive discord.

Uses BRASS, so I never used the song... until a few days ago. GREAT
SONG Lowers target AC, and damages them about one and a half times as much
as the level two song does. Use it and get yer brass skill up there....
you'll want it for the level 26 song. Area effect

19 Shauri's sonorous clouding.

party invisible. Rough song... works fine solo, but if you are using a
group you will want see invis on everyone, or else it will be too hard to
follow everyone when you cannot see them. Important for getting corpses deep
in the higher level dungeons.

20 Largo's melodic binding

Area effect lowers target attack speed and AC. I never really used this
one... but perhaps it will come in useful later.

21 Melanie's mellifluous motion.

Teleport random direction, random distance. This song is a cruel joke
in my opininon, as I see no use for it yet but to plant yourself in the
middle of a nest of monsters that will beat the crap out of you. I will have
to experiment more with it though... could be useful.. but I highly doubt

22 Alenia's disenchanting melody

Same as wizard cancel magic spell. works on whole party. I never used
it.... I assume it is useful later.

23 Selo's consonant chain.

BUY IT This is a great soloing song. This will do two things... slow
the target to a walk if it is running after you, or root it if the target is
escaping. Wanna get rid of Ambassador DVinn? sing this song on him and blast
away at him with the level 12 song as he walks around helpless. (Although,
that tactic will take you a long time... and is so boring it makes ya wanna

24 (forget the name)

Sharpens sight. Now I dunno what the heck that means but I know for one
it lets you see invisible. It also gives everything a blueish tint... odd.

25 Psalm of warmth.

Adds to resist cold... but not enough that it seems to be worth it?
Although it does use singing which is always nice.

26 Angst's appaling screech

COOL! A song with the face of death on it!! :) Grab a horn... set up
the song, and go get a crazy battle going. Looks like yer gonna lose? Play
this song and every monster around you runs screaming. Basically a fear song
for bards.. but it will hit 100 targets if there are that many.

FUnny thing about this song. I was messing around in crushbone (which
if you did not know, there is a recent problem there with retion brenclog,
who likes to cast 200 pets and kill the framerate in the zone) Well since
all these pets are such low level to me, I decided I would fear them all
with my new song. OH JEEZ :) It worked... and 200 pets come screaming outta
the hole in the ground... I kept fearing them and they ran all over the zone
causing such a disturbance that a GM was there within minutes to kill them
all. (nobody got killed, the pets are neutral, friendly little guys). I wish
I had taken screenshots as it was quite a sight to see :)

level 27 I hear is a charm spell... "Oh boy!" :)

Well, hope that helped a bit... keep playing the bard... and you'll
always be happy :)
