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Message ID: 3168
Date: Fri Jul 9 08:44:07 BST 1999
Author: Michal Hobson
Subject: What a night!!!!

Hail and well met fellow songWEAVERS of Norrath,

As you can see my vote has been cast with the chance of maybe one write-in (layering). Just a thought, anyway I just wanted to share with all of the great fortune I had last night. Its a long story, but worth it. Bear with me.

I was cruising around Misty Thicket last night (for the third straight day) in an attempt to earn that elusive squad ring. After about my 300th Mooto (slight exaggeration) I became fed up with the whole process. Along comes a wanderer from RunnyEye looking for directions to Freeport. "Ok, I'll take you", (I am just pulling my hair out with boredom here anyway) I thought to myself. So off we went. As we reached the West Freeport Zone, I heard an /ooc asking where the Bard's Guild was located. In my best boy scout (think Dudley Do-Right), I told the unknown stranger "I'll take you there!" Sound familiar? Anyway, as I left my one "Air-Weiland" passenger on the steps of the gate, I picked up my second flight plan. As bards, we all know how easy it is to get to Marsheart's Chords from the West Gate of Freeport. Turn left, left, right, zone, u-turn around the wall, right, left, BOOM. 15 second run, with zone time! Well it seems that this 20plus level traveller just didn't want to waste his time hunting for it. He was delivering mail. So, upon our arrival, I told him about the Kelethin to Freeport bug and asked where are you delivering from and what type of package is it? "Guk," he replied, "Its a letter." "That would go to Felicity, the packages go to Ton Twostring, just for future reference. Well, good luck to you sir," I said as I moved out the door. "COME BACK HERE!!!" he bellows, shaking me up just a hair (I'm a pretty timid 13th lvl). "For your troubles," he says. Then he gives me a pair of gloves. "Thanks very much," I say, assuming raw-hide or leather worth a few gp, not bad for a 15 second job. But when I go to inspect them,

ELF-HIDE GLOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"WOW, Elf-hide? I've been looking for these!!!! Thank you so much Mr. Monk Sir (his name was Shadon something)!!" I stammer incredulously.

His reply, "Ha ha. Use them well, Weiland." And then he disappeared into the streets.

Possibly another McQuaid sighting?!?

We may never know for sure, but I have to say now that I will continue my good deed doing and retain my helpful demeanor!! It sure paid off this time -- 3 or 4 AC (can't recall) +5 AGI +5 DEX for free. And from what I've heard on this list, they could go for quite a price if I ever found something better (yeah right).

Take note of this, newbies. It is the best advice I can ever give any other players.

Thank you Shadon, whoever you are!!!!

Weiland of Freeport
Very Happy 13th Level Bard
Erollisi Marr