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Message ID: 318
Date: Wed Apr 28 00:41:49 BST 1999
Author: Kyle
Subject: Re: Kiting - Is it bad?

I suppose one would only know if one had a reference of when a spell or
effect was actually broken and it was obviously a major exploit. A few
examples: (mostly second hand...)

1. Bellow first came out doing 35 or so points a shout, 50's at level 20.
You can almost drop a red creature without having to even run from it. It
was an exploit because the song was too powerful. I hear some, however,
thought it perfectly natural... They soon toned it down to where it
currently is.

2. Ever notice how a creature can hit you no matter how high or low it is
from you as long as the horizontal distance is within an attack range? Good
example is to run something under the East Karana bridge and get up on it.
The distance from the water to the bridge is well beyond a swing from even
Broon but you can still get hit. You can't attack back however. The reason
for this was that some people were casting levitate on themselves, moving
off a high point, and nuking creatures below with spells. Verant changed
things so that these creatures could attack back regardless of how high up
the player is. Fortunately, the KOS range doesn't seem to be like that.

3. Jumping. Heh. You used to be able to jump continuously all over the place
without running out of stamina. With this you could keep ahead of most
creatures without needing accelerando and you could just straight Bellow

4. I Heard some damage spells came out that did large amounts of damage for
insanely small amounts of mana. The persistent damage spells were common
since it isn't a 1 mana = 1 damage ration sort of thing.

The way I look at it is if there is no way *ever* for the creature to hit
you, you are exploiting. I've been hit plenty of times while kiting. Your
decision though.

Good Journey,

Sineras (Cazic-Thule)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Murphy [mailto:zigmo@...]
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 1:31 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Re: Kiting - Is it bad?

From: Ian Murphy <zigmo@...>

I've been reading the messages about kiting but I have never done it. As of
yet, I don't really have strong enough songs to perform it effectively.
My question is: why is it an exploit? Certain songs/spells have a ranged or
radius effect. What if I'm out singing (don't have a lute or mandolin yet)
the Chords of Discord (hurts my throat) and killing beasties. While looting
a corpse I'm set upon by a beastie that I feel is too tough for me. I begin
to run from it. Getting lost, I run around in circles reading messages that
the beastie winces and I occasionally take damage. Let's say that I
accidentally kill the beastie before it kills me.
Have I exploited a bug or not? I was running away the entire time. Is it my
fault that the beastie is so enraged it will follow me to the ends of
Norrath (or the nearest zone wall)? If this is exploiting a bug, what is
the bug? Is the bug the fact that I have a song that can damage beasties at
range or that I can run as fast or faster than some or that beasties chase
What if I had a missle weapon and was singing Selo's Accelerando. Running
backwards, I am faster than some beasties. By throwing daggers or axes at
them I stay out of range and they take damage. Taking damage they will
continue to follow me in which case, I will continue to lob whatever I can
at them. Is this exploiting a bug? It seems like the same situation, but is
now OK.
I am confused and a little scared. Who decides where the fine line between
clever and exploitation is? I fear to try new things only to discover that
I've 'cheated' and will now be banned.

Journeyman Plastos
still wearing the sandals

At 10:04 AM 4/27/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "King, Darrin" <dking@...>
>Kiting is an "exploit," apparently, officially.
>Read the new Guide section on the offical website.
>Check this quote about exploits:
>Farming - using broken spells or specific spell effects to kill, drag, or
>lure monsters, thus gaining experience/loot from them.
>Boom. Right there, they are looking for that kind of business. Don't do
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