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Message ID: 325
Date: Tue Jun 29 04:50:28 BST 1999
Author: Randy Varnell
Subject: Re: the soerbaird - question and or sick of hearing about it

Hail Berk:

>I've been to the soerbaird site, and it's very nice looking.
>You can see lots of bard tales and songs made up by people
>playing as bards in eq.

Thank you, this is the part of our Annals that we work the hardest on, and
in fact contains most of what we Soerbaird spend our time doing.

>But if I am correct that all such information is secreted away,
>then I have heard enough about the clique known as
>the soerbairds. If y'all want to go have your private little
>group and harvest a bunch of information which you then keep
>to yourself, then I for one don't want to hear the
>name of your clubby club on this list again. Any information
>that I am able to unearth about the bard profession is
>public knowledge as far as I'm concerned and I would be happy
>to have it repeated to any struggling or curious bard out there.
>If I missed a link or something, then I apologize in advance,
>and long live the soerbaird :P

What I think disturbs me most about this, is that you admit to not being
able to find the information on our site, yet you proceed with your libel
as if your assumption was true. I've noticed a similar pattern from those
who wish to defame the name of the Soerbaird--that little evidence to our
'cliquish' behavior or 'secret knowledge' is provided, yet you continue to
accuse us of such.

Also, your acceptance of our group or its goals is based on whether or not
we have a list of bard songs available to the public? Again, that you would
judge us based on what services you percieve we should provide to our
memebers rather than our ACTUAL character and deeds, I find that very

If you wish to hold court in a public forum, rather than taking your issues
up personally with me, then please be more forthright with your evidence so
that we may answer for it.

We have never withheld information about the bardic profession from any
bard if asked, and we try to respond to every question on this list that we
can answer, and we respond to them truthfully. We do have a song list which
existed on an older site, but as of yet has not been moved to the new site.
When it is, I will let you know.

Listen and Live.

-- Jythri, Pencerdd of The Soerbaird