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Message ID: 3264
Date: Mon Jul 12 11:30:35 BST 1999
Author: Tim and Mary Steed
Subject: Re: New to the List )

>Hail, tis I Gleeman the Roving Bard of Karana server! I am now in my 14th
>level and feeling darn proud about myself

Hail! And good job reaching 14th!!!! Many do not make it that far before
quitting, or changing professions! Congrats!

>A person I met in Qeynos told me about the mailing list so I thought I
>check it out.
>and from the archived Messages I have read so far, this mailing list proves
>to be an excellent source of Bard information

This list IS a VERY good source of info fo us. There aren't 5 year olds
loose running around like there are in the EQ newsgroup, and there are some
VERY knowledgable folks here.

>What are some good strength raising Items a level 14 Bard can obtain?? I am
>pursuing the purchase of a set of "veiwable" Bronze Armor (so far I have
>plate, helm, bracers) and the weight can be crippling as I only placed 85
>strength when I started my character, Items that raise strength I have so
>far are: Silver Amber rings and a spiked collar this brings my strength up
>to 89 but I am always quite near encumbered and if I wish to carry any Loot
>with me I have to suffer a loss of speed and agility. I know things like
>the bloodstained mantle and tunic raise strength, as well as the "Thick
>Banded Belt" found in Guk (as I have read on EQ'Lizer) currently I have
>around 50plat in the bank, and was wondering if I could afford any of these

I, too, have went nuts trying to raise my STR through items, and so far have
gone from a 90 to a 108. You already have things I would have suggested at
your level, and the BS Mantle is still a bit more than 50pp (at least on
Bertox, my server). The Thick Banded Belt, I have never seen. But in UPPER
Guk you can get a Trollhide belt which raises your STR by 5 points, and the
cool thing is, it is Bard/Rogue only, so you don't have to fight campers or
other classes trying to get it. I also have a BS Mantle, as well as a pair
of STR rings and a pair of STR earrings. Use the /auction and try to find a
jewler that will make some STR items for you, too. The lower ones should be

>Should I start using the Dragoon dirk as my primary weapon to gain peirce
>skill or should I invest in a FS rapier instead??

Unless you plan to use TWO piercing weapons, or unless you just HAVE to have
the "car antenna" look, totally forget about the FS Rapier. NEVER buy one.
It is inferior to the Dragoon Dirk, and is MUCH more expensive, too. I was
given a FS Rapier in trade, which you can buy from the vendor for approx
280pp. Well, I tried to sell it for 100pp, and EVERYONE laughed at me.
Looking at the stats... yes... a Dragoon Dirk IS better, and you can get one
of those for 20-40pp. So, forget about it. Really. Honestly. Unless you want
the look, or want to use 2 piercers.

>Where should a person of my level be fighting? I don't really care about
>where it is on the world as travel is quite easy for me ). BlackBurrow is
>becoming quite boring, I found Crushbone to be overcamped and not really
>worthwhile. Are places like dagnor's cauldron or Lavastorm safe for me??

At your level, I was camping the Nybright Sisters in Lesser Fay. Not too
many people were there yet, GREAT XP, constant fighting if you broke the
spawn right, and GREAT loot. I have been told, however, that the loot has
been altered now, and they don't drop bronze NEAR as often. Pitty.

>and lastly what are some really good "weaving, juggling, twisting, or
>medlying" methods??

If you've read some of the archived messages, many other bards here have
discussed how to use hotkeys to help mix songs. I haven't tried that myself
yet, but soon shall!

>Gleeman, the roving bard, who's big mouth has landed him in trouble more
often than not
Trust me, I know that feeling of getting into trouble (smile)

Tallonn Stringfellow - 34th Verse