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Message ID: 3269
Date: Mon Jul 12 14:32:07 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Roleplaying

That's one of the great things about EQ! You can MAKE fiends. Take one
lost soul with a mis-located corpse. Put into group with a bard (that's
you), play Lyssa's & combine! You have fashioned something entirely new! A
new fiend. And if you take up tailoring (I am a broken record - but you
keep axeing and I keep telling) you can make patchwork armor for players.
That is actually a bit more tricky.

Most players who want and need the armor are just a bit young to hunt for
the skins needed to make it. So, you have to get a group together and hunt
as a group. Then there is the failure rate and the sp for the pattern seems
so expensive at that level. But the more you do it the better it gets.

My advice to you is: do some mail delivery quests. They pay pretty well and
they are something you know how to do - travel from city to city. To make
fiends - axe someone - anyone if they wanna do it with you. Traveling with
another person is hard - esp at your level - whr all the monsties are gonna
go agro on you. But it should be really exciting! And you will get gp for
your travels. With about 5gp you should be able to get a solid base in
patchwork skill and be able to make armor for your new soon to be fiends!

When I started EQ - it was cuz some of my other game guild bubbies were
doing it. One guy was in between consulting jobs and played it for a month
- needless to say - he got pretty far ahead of us. Then 2 more started and
they play same time and same amounts as each other so they group all the
time. They got up some. And then I started with about 6 more of our same
buddies. One guy has now powergamer'd up to the top guys level - or close
(both low 20's). One guy took a wiz to lev 8 and quit cuz he felt he dint
have the time for the game (ie not enough time to stay at levels with rest
of us.) Three of us took chars to low teens and then restarted chars with
better base or diff class. Now us three have caught the rest except out 2
low 20 guys.

I go in spurts between powergamer and goofing off. For example, this
weekend, my end Nadare - level 14 Enchanter goes: "not sleeping until I get
level 16!" Well, ok. So, we stay up all Friday night and travel everywhere
in search of the elusive xp. She gets 15, I get 14 and its about 10 am Sat
morning. Things are looking good. Then she goes: "brb, gotta go out for
more cigs." Ok, np. Ok, 2 hours later and she's still not back. Hmmm.
Well, keep playing until about 5pm Sat then I gots to camp too. After
dinner I was so tired there was no way. Sleep sleep sleep and up Sun at 8am
- back on line. "/w nadare all" - where were you? "Fell alseep rebooting
pc." Heheh how many times I have done that. Esp zoning!

But when you play until you are totally fatigued - you find yourself doing
dumb stuff. Like getting lost in cities you normally know like the back of
your hand. Or all of a sudden you wonder - did they change this zone?
Misty thicket never looked like this before, Hmmm. Or you have to do "/w
sylly all" just to find out what zone you are in.

But I know what its like to have fiends and have levels divide you. And
know how fun ot can be to make new fiends and adventure with them. So, I'd
say don't be afraid to axe them to do stuff with you. Travel from Freeport
to Kelethin at your level and with people who have never done it - can be
really thrilling. But you have to talk to them - talk to everyone and you
should have no trouble making fiends!.

So - don't give up - but do strat talking to people!

Sylly - the bard!

-----Original Message-----
From: weya [mailto:weya@...]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 1999 12:38 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Roleplaying

From: weya <weya@...>

Once again, I changed servers to play with some people I knew and once
again, the people are moving on. (btw, not following the same ppl from
server to server but it's happened twice that ppl have convinced me to a
certain server and then have left).

I'd like to find a group (guild?) of ppl that are more concerned with
character development (roleplay) than just power levelling. I don't
care what server it's on ... so long as I can find a "home" where the
people are friendly and actually maybe return a "hail" every now and
then. I'm getting sorta discouraged because I don't have a predefined
group of people to hunt with, so I end up solo-ing alot. And running
around Norrath not talking to anyone gets kinda lonely. Maybe it's me,
I dunno. But if I don't find a solution then I may just bag EQ

Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Safe travels,
Woodelf Bard, Level 4
Rivervale, Quellious

Expand in consciousness-
be ready to accept anything now,
at any time. --Eileen Caddy
ICQ# 1976509
AOL IM: weya

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