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Message ID: 334
Date: Wed Apr 28 17:39:53 BST 1999
Author: Daniel P. Sniderman
Subject: My Opinion on the soerbard stuff

I am REALLY enjoying this thread..

You see IN-REAL-LIFE - I am a professional musician. This is a big reason I
chose to be a bard (All they need to do is an a trombone as one of the brass
instruments in the game and I'll REALLY be happy!)

You don't know how "realistic' this whole thread thing is. Mucisians are
very cliquish. This whole Soerbard thing pretty much seems like a clique
type thing. A lot of musicians only share "gigs" with other musicians in
their clique (often based on things like what college they went to, etc).

Some comments:

>From: James Kim <bumbler123@...>

>Damn. Yall are like little children. I love coming home, checking my
>e-mail, and seeing I have 50 new mails, all gripes back and forth about
>something that doesn't concern most of the people on the list.

Reminds me of one band I was in. Huge screaming arguements broke out over
trivial issues. The people who got the most upset it usually was stuff that
had nothing to do with them. Fortunately for me - it was a salsa band - and
most of the arguements were in Spainish (which I don't speak) so I didn't
get sucked into them. We can simulate this by having arguements in Elvish
so the Human bards won't be able to get involved...

From: "Glen Colby" <voidchld@...>

>Man , you guys should be lawyers, not bards..... first, one group attacks
>the other group, then the other group attacks back and refutes what the
>first group said.

I did a recording session in January where we wasted the first hour (on the
clock in the recording studio) because the piano player refused to play
until we had a legal document. Our lawyer had been out of town and then
sick - so we had to write one ourselves. He subsequently quit the band and
demanded huge amounts of money for his rights to the recording - so the
whole session went down the drain. It turned out to not be that bad - given
the mood of the guys in the band at the time- the recording wasn't very
good - so it was no great loss.

(As an aside - the band was on the virge of breaking up - and after he and
another guy quit - and we fired a third - we are trying to turn the thing
around and are doing pretty good so far)...

So anyways... WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Just to add my two-cents about the Soerbard thing... I haven't dealt with
these guys online - so I can't say anything. But it's ridiculous -
particuarly in an online game (I've been involved with these things for a
long time since Multi-player Battletech on GEnie) - to accuse someome of

Simple criticisms to singing flames - are all parts of this. We are all
role-playing fictional characters - libeling a fictional character! Give me
a break. (Well I guess our former Vice-President now Presidential candidate
got into a debate with a fictional character!) Unwarranted flames are
criticizisable (is this a word?) but lets call it what it is and not libel.

I too looked at their web site - and it's a nice site. I receaced similarly
to Birk; it turned me off - that they keep the best info for members only -
but I don't criticize them. It is their right. If that's the guild they
want - that's their business. It just made me less interested in joining.
The guild I'd create would have most of that (perhaps all of it) completely
open. Also - I think it's a bit steep to ask 10pp for all members. If you
join at level 1 - and they're buying you songs, weapons, and armor - I'm all
for it. But I was already at level 7 or 8 when I found out about it - and
I've never had more than 5 plat to my name (which pretty much gets wiped
when I level and buy the next song). So to me - 10 plat is a HUGE amount of

To be honest - if I join a guild - I'd be more interested in a guild that
isn't a class-only guild - and to have one to try to group in - and
obviously the best groups have different classes. Also - I'm not going spend
time writing songs, etc for the game. I don't have enough time in the day
to begin with - if I'm writing music - it's for real-life where I hope to
maybe get it on a CD that people will (hopefully) pay money for (not that
I'm much of a songwriter...)

So anyway - I'm rambling (like most bards do). I've never seen an online
game worth playing that didn't generate a large number of flame wars. The
best thing to do is to pull up a lawn chair; get a stick and some
marshmellows or hot dogs - put on your sunglasses and enjoy the show!

Slyde of Xenogy
also Danny Sniderman of "The Vanguard Aces"