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Message ID: 3370
Date: Tue Jul 13 12:39:08 BST 1999
Author: J.R. Hyde
Subject: Psalm serious of spells and some updates to the song list

>Level 25: Psalm of Warmth
>Effects: PARTY: Cold Protection
>Skill: Singing
>Location: Erudin, Kelethin, Qeynos
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis: Increases resistance to cold-based spells. Not much
>use has been found for this yet.

Alright, ive yet to find out why nobody has posted any information about
this song. In addition to cold based protection, it acts as a fireshield for
everybody in the group. Everytime a monster hits you, they get damage done
to them, at lvl 40 the damage is 6. Great song while fighting multiple
monsters, and is in someways better than discord since it doesnt concentrate
all the monsters energy on you, since its not you thats doing the damage to
them, its the person that they are hitting :). It also seems to give
infravision erratically, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt, not too
sure about that part. But the damage shield is for sure.

>Level 26: Angstlichs Apalling Screech
>Effects: NON-PARTY: Fear
>Skill: Brass Instruments
>Location: Kelethin
>Notes: Warning: area effect song
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis: Will cause all monsters in its path to flee in
>terror, but only for about a minute or so, then they will come back. This is
>a useful song if your party is trying to run, but failing, or if a party
>member, unable to run, is about to die. This is an area effect Fear spell,
>mentioned as a "get out of death free" song, if used at the right time. Just
>make sure that your party zones after using this song to avoid problems when
>fear wears off.

Actually its most usefull when fighting outdoors with another bard or
somebody that can ensnare. That way the mob is always fleeing at a very slow
rate and unable to attack you, while you get hit, after hit, after hit on
its backside.

>Level 29: Psalm of Vitality
>Effects: PARTY: Protection from disease and Poison
>Skill: Singing
>Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis: [none]

Not sure if this one provides a damage shield, cause i havent had time to
pick it up, but i suspect it does and im eager to go get it.

>Level 33: Psalm of Cooling
>Effects: PARTY: +Fire Resistance
>Skill: Singing
>Location: Any
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis:

same for this one, havent had time to go pick it up (its not in freeport
that i can find).

>Level 34: Lyssas Solidarity of Vision
>Effects: TARGET: See through targets eyes
>Skill: Wind Instruments
>Location: Erudin
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis:

Great for when you want to see where the tank is pulling from so you can
pull for yourself
later. Unfortunatly you are going to be playing the chorus of clarity or
healing song then so you dont get too use it much.

>Level 37: Psalm of Purity
>Effects: PARTY: +Disease Resistance
>Skill: Singing
>Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis:

Heh, thankfully a bunch of druids and wizards owe me favors caues i have
quite a few songs to go pick up :)

>Level 38: Tuyens Chant of Flame
>Effects: NON-PARTY: Damage and lowers Fire Resistance
>Skill: Percussion Instruments
>Location: Freeport, Qeynos
>Rating: [not rated]
>Notes: Warning: area effect song
>Unconfirmed Analysis: It does 36 damage total over three ticks (the song's
>duration) and drops
>Fire Resistance 14 points (at 48th level), if you use a drum. Without a drum,
>it does 24 damage total, and still lowers Fire Resistance by 14. Stacks
>nicely with all other DOT songs

This might just be me, but i cant for the life of me get this song to work
as an aoe song. Its single target only from what i can tell.

>Level 40: Syvelians Anti-Magic Aria
>Effects: [unknown]
>Skill: Singing
>Location: Kelethin
>Rating: [not rated]
>Unconfirmed Analysis:

Just got 40, gotta go get it :)