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Message ID: 3389
Date: Tue Jul 13 16:34:52 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Adventure vacation in Kithicor

Ok, I am now convinced beyond all doubt that there is something
going on in Kithicor. What that something is I cannot fathom. I spent a
couple hours there last night and ran into some interesting things, though
not particularly Bardic ones.
First I ran into one of the named Shraloc orcs for the first time.
It was Renlik, or something close to that. He was a reasonable fight for a
15th measure bard and carried several gp and a bronze longsword. I then
found a small house, where none had been before btw, with a gypsy merchant
in it selling herbs. I haven't seen these herbs anywhere else, but its been
quite a while since I visited Halas. She offered me 3.3pp for the sword.
Figuring I'd get a better price from a merchant I knew well I told Elsbyth
no thanks and headed off to Rivervale. On the way I ran into two gray
wolves, something else I have never seen in Kithicor before, and I hae spent
a fair amount of time hunting undead and scarabs there some time back. I
killed one of the gray wolves, hoping to find a good pelt and low and behold
I got this feeling that someone wasn't happy about my killing a wolf in
Kithicor. Fortuantely not that Holly Windstalker kind of right before you
die kind of feeling, but more of a prickling along the back of your neck you
get when your 'Wolf' faction takes a hit. Next thing I know it did just
that! Since when is there a faction of Wolves? Unnerved I walked around
the other gray wolf and smack into a wolf. Not a black wolf, not a shadow
wolf, or gray wolf. Just a wolf. He was looking at me in that hungry way
wolves do so I attacked him before he could jump my back. He was about as
tough as the gray, but not as quick to run. But he had the most remarkable
pelt, one of medium quality! This was the first time I had ever seen a pelt
above Low quality mind ou and the first time I had ever seen 'a wolf'.
Again though I felt that icy hand of lowering 'Wolf' faction gripping my
shoulder as the beast fell dead. Now every time I see any kind of wolf I
shudder, and wonder who they are reporting to. Every person I meet is
quickly scanned for signs of wolf sympathies. I know they are out there,
and they are not amused.
Happily trotted into Rivervale, ah the wonders of halfling
civilization. Rolled up to my friend Twippie and showed him the sword.
He's been kindly to me for almost as long as I can remember so he always
gives me great prices. He took one look at the word and offered me 2.7pp.
I reeled in shock, the gypsy woman had offered me more than my old friend
Twippie? I was stunned. I checked around town and Twippie's deal was not
to be beat. Thinking that gypsy needed more investigation I ran back into
Kithicor to find her. Well, the house was there still, but of Elsbyth there
was no sign. I searched around a bit until I spotted a wolf following me.
It was weird, I turned, he turned, just sauntering along. at that wee hour
of the morning it was too much to bear and I hightailed it back to
Rivervale. Maybe in the daylight I'd look for Elsbyth again, but not at

Kitasi the spooked