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Message ID: 3479
Date: Wed Jul 14 00:02:59 BST 1999
Author: J.R. Hyde
Subject: Re: Salutations, gripes, and tricks

At 11:45 AM 7/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, J.R. Hyde wrote:
>> restoration does not stack normally, you will get the not taking hold
>> message. Chorus of clarity however does stack with another bard. We have
>> had 2 bards and an enchanter casting clarity and the wizards where going
>> bananas. Lots of fun. I say normally cause last night me and another bard
>> accidently started the healing song at the same time and it stacked. We
>> didnt get the hold message and we where healing almost 40pts per tick! We
>Probably a lag-incuded glitch. I noticed last night while
>weaving/juggling/mixing/cycling :-) Accelerando with the
>ultravision song that if you start a song so that its effect
>kicks in the same instant it's previous pulse ends, the
>ending effect takes precedence. i.e. I'd hit Accel, then the
>other song, then Accel again. I got the pulse, the "feet move
>faster" message followed immediately by the "slow down"
>message, and I was moving at normal running speed despite that
>I was still singing Accel.

Im inclined to say no on this... we did this multiple times all night.
Health was rocketing up, it wasnt a subtle effect. However, we cant repeat
it now so maybe that night was just a dream :P
I know the effect you are talking about too, get it all the time, sometimes
the bards accelerando will actually cancel mine out, though it doesnt
happen enough to be anythuing other than annoying.