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Message ID: 3546
Date: Wed Jul 14 18:07:33 BST 1999
Author: John Robertson
Subject: Re: Purity belt... *SPOILER*

This reminds me of a funny story...

My necromancer is, well, evil. I enjoy playing him as having a vengeful
side, though not really as a bad person. The reason he kills Sisters of
Erollisi is that they would kill him if he didn't, simple as that. That
being said, he does enjoy it.

But that's not the story...

After killing many a Sister of Erollisi, I went to Freeport to sell off
my booty. As always, the market for the belts was very brisk. One of
my customers was a wood elf druid, who had her roleplay switch on.
After we made our transaction, she walked away, and then said, in a
/tell, "So how do you come by these belts?"

Thinking that this was just a casual request, and not being one to hold
back this information, I sent a /tell back saying, "You get them from
the Ocean of Tears. I doubt you would want to try and get them yourself
though, because you have to kill wood elves to get them."

Suddenly, I was beseiged by /tells from this character along the lines
of "You killed my sisters to get these belts? Thou art an evil swine to
profit by the death of such goodliness!"

This went on for a while, and then I finally sent back, "You know...
/tell is not an in character method of communication. If I had known
you were asking in a roleplaying sense, I wouldn't have told you dead
wood elves were involved"

To which she replied, "Spin me no more lies evil one, my mind will not
be clouded by your tales of deceit!"

Finally I just gave in and taunted her back in a roleplaying sense. She
then followed me around from zone to zone, admonishing players not to
buy the belts from me, for they had come from the evil slaying of good
wood elves.

The best part was, it did wonders for my business. :)

My bard is my #1 character, but it is really fun being evil sometimes.


"Kimes, Dean W." wrote:

> In the name of Erollisi I hope there is another way to get these than
> by killing one of the sisters. I feel dirty at even the thought that
> there are Necromancers hunting sisters for there pelts, I mean belts.
> I guess I will have to make a pilgrimage to that island and cast my
> belt into the sea. I have much pennance to do for profitting by the
> death of such an unfortunate.
> Good thing I'm not on the pvp server or I'd spend all my time
> dying while trying to prevent people from killing the poor little
> sisters. come to think of it that's why I'm not on the pvp server.
> I'd be spending all my time dying trying to protect all the good
> people getting killed by other supposedly good people. Nothing like
> watching a paladin slaughtering stonecarvers in Butcherblock, asking
> him what he's doing, and having him respond, "They're the only thing
> in BB that gives me xp, and I can kill them while waiting for the
> boat." If that isn't bad enough, he was in /roleplaying mode! Some
> people will never get it.
> Kitasi the grief-stricken