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Message ID: 3653
Date: Sat May 15 07:22:28 BST 1999
Author: SteelWolf
Subject: Re: Twinking

Use bellow without making an attempt to melee the monster at all, and only once
the person fighting it has it around half life. Also stand aways away. It is
generally very clear you are assisting without trying to steal it. Also
remember that all people see is "[monster] reels in pain." so like most of our
songs, they have very little idea what we are doing. I also use consonant chain
to help others in the same manner.

Ariell Thunderwolf, Karana

> Something neat about shamans (and I assume clerics, druids
> and enchanters) is the ability to commit random acts of kindness.
> Walk up to a fight, looks close? Cast a heal or two, and a
> couple of buffs, walk on. I've yet to find a way to do this well
> with my bard. The only way to do it is to directly affect the
> mob, and that seems rude to me without an invitation, even if
> there is no chance of kill stealing.
> Anyone got any tips for this sort of activity as a bard?