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Message ID: 3725
Date: Thu Jul 15 22:29:32 BST 1999
Author: Ebisha
Subject: Re: Side effect/Symptom of twinking

I have to agree to both sides of this issue. Outright begging... through
shouts or OOC... or gods help me walking up to me and saying "Can you give
me some money/this item/whatever" I find annoying in the extreme...

But the sort of IC actions described below here... that's a horse of a
different color... in fact, done ICly, and with a little style... even
walking up to me and saying "can you give me 5 gold" will result in a yes.
Case in point... last night in blackburrow, when I was in a very bad mood
after being chastised for killing an elite gnoll guard that was standing
around picking it's ears while the party that ultimately chastised me beat
the snot out of a guardsman two rooms away, there was a barbarian standing
around up near the zone creatively using the crouch and sit commands to make
himself appear to be dancing... and yelling "Dancing for money!" and similar
such things. It made me laugh, and my bard was suitably amused to give him
5 gold on the spot along with a few words of encouragement to continue
practicing as he might one day have a career in dance.

SO Yes, I'd say that done ICly it's acceptable... at least to me... provided
it isnt a constant thing.

Liani MystWeaver
SongWeaver of the 16th Measure, Guardian of Faydwer, Betrothed of
Theodoric.... in the alternate realm of Bristlebane