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Message ID: 3940
Date: Mon Jul 19 18:07:22 BST 1999
Author: RON_TALBOT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xxx
Subject: Re: Rubicite, Cazic Thule, and Verant's Biggest

I agree. The stress and BOREDOM of camping is a major problem. I
have one suggestion for a fix and one current short term solution.

Fix. Randomly put the good stuff on different High level mobs. Then
have them appear randomly in their zone. Simple. (maybe not to
program but that's not my problem) Why does only the avatar (?) get
the ruby Breastplate, and doesn't he ever go to the bathroom, or take
a stroll around his domain? Visit his friends or check out why his
guards are letting these hoards of uptight homicidal maniacs into his
throne room... This would add a random element to the location of the
item and mob and would make camping at least a little less attractive.
I HATE camping.

My current solution: Adventure, explore, and hang out with my friend
who has a nose for Plat. No exploits or cheating, he just knows where
the good loot is. So I hang with him about half the time and rack up
the money and then I buy what I want when I have the Plat. Much more
fun. True it helps if you are behind the experience wave. Aas a 17th
level I am well behind the power gamers so the stuff I want and can
afford is usually for sale somewhere. I go on shopping trips to the
popular zones when my bank account is healthy spend it all on some
neat new item. (I'm buying bronze right now, kinda heavy but at least
my character doesn't look like a stripper any more. :) ) Then off I
go exploring, seeing new mobs and doing quests. Much more fun.
I spent all my time in Crushbone freeing slaves, never camped the
usual spots once but I still have a Dragoon dirk.

Just my 2 cents worth. (anyone ever wonder what happened to the
'cent' key?)

Bujold 17th level bard


7. Cazic Thule is hell on Norrath. It isn't like each mob with Rucicite is
camped by a single party in a room somewhere (like Najena for instance).
No, most of the armor is camped by multiple parties, who have some sort of
system for figuring out which GROUP gets the next loot of something that
MIGHT have Rubicite. It is the silliest thing I have ever encountered in
EQ, and I have seen a lot of silliness.

8. Getting a reasonable amount of Rubicite would require sitting in Cazic
with a bunch of people who are constantly stressed about looting, and doing
this for a LONG time . . weeks or MONTHS.

9. Number 8 is not fun.

10. Verant's Biggest Mistake: To acquire the best items in Everquest, you
must often be willing to have no fun. This is insane. This is nuts.
