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Message ID: 3982
Date: Tue Jul 20 17:05:14 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: RE: The Lucid Lullaby

On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> Yes I have been having some weird experiences with mobs and water. Ran
> after them raiders and killed them in the water. But then was down in Lake
> Rathe and thought hmmm... wonder if I can kill that birdie standing on that
> pier (I was in a small boat.) So I bellow at him and the birdie hops into
> the water. Then I beller some more and get a message "a aviak hits a aviak
> for 32000 points of damage" followed by "a aviak has slain a aviak"

The boats seem to be cut off from the rest of the world.
While riding the large boats or a canoe, everything will be
indifferent to you. I once hopped on a canoe to flee a tidal
lord train, and the instant I got on, they walked away as if
I'd zoned. I've never tried attacking from one.

> Then I fell out of the boat! Anyway to climb back in? I tried for a long
> time with no luck.

Hah. My friend and I were riding the same canoe. I was
busily guiding us to our destination when he makes a comment
about us going in circles. I check my external view and he's
not on my boat. He checks his external view and I'm not on
his boat. I sail back trying to find him or figure out what
happened, since he said he couldn't take control of his boat.
I can't find him, so I gave up control of my boat in the hopes
that it would let him take control of his boat. He did, and
my boat disappeared from underneath me, dumping me in the
water. But everything looked strange. It turned out I'd been
teleported when I was dumped, so that I was now in the water
*under* land. I swam a bit to "shore" and popped up onto the

We decided not to use a canoe to cross Lake Rathe.

John H. Kim