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Message ID: 407
Date: Mon May 3 06:24:13 BST 1999
Author: NeXuS
Subject: Re: Level 9

Amen! You tell it Brother!

Ive been in simular situations. I told the ahh so called leader that I sing
what I want to sing. If he does not approve he is welcome to look for
someone else. All the groups ive been in Love to have me and thank the gods
I know what im doing. I hate those, you should sing that one here and this
one there when hes a druid, or a warrior.......DOH! Wake up! I am a Bard and
Sing what needs to be sung when the time to sing has neared!

Bard of the League of Swords

----- Original Message -----
From: Roop Dirump <roop@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 1999 7:54 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Re: Level 9

> From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
> Reminds me of a group that asked me to join once. I was wandering around
> the frigid north, new to the area, sort of bored, why not, eh? There was
> one fellow who knew what bards could do, he was the one I think who
> for my services (I could tell by the ooos and ahhs from the others when my
> turbo drum overcharge kicked in). After a few battles, he took me aside
> told me he should maybe "explain" to me how bards worked, "The bard buffs
> are worthless." ???
> He just wanted two songs, and only two: accelerado and hymn of
> "the only worthwhile bard songs." What I did? I laughed in his face.
> Then I explained to him how MAGES should work: Stated I actually hated
> waiting around for five minutes as he recharged after every skirmish with
> gnoll pup, so he shouldn't do anything at all--nada / zilch / stand there
> stiff / do nothing--except in dire emergencies! Told him a mage
> should--never--cast spells (except for a pet), until that rare time the
> battle is turning for the worse. This will keep us alive, I explained, so
> he will have full mana available if we get jumped or overwhelmed. First,
> we'll move from monster to monster quicker for better experience, second,
> avoid sitting around in dangerous areas, third, when things go bad he'll
> have maximum firepower. That shut him up.
> Like he's about to follow us around doing absolutely nothing during most
> battles, even if it insured the survival of the group! Needless to say,
> "buff" songs continued! And the Hymn was played at the proper time! And
> I'm sure he cast his spells at the proper time, actually, for I only
> pretended to know how to do his job, but in retrospect it does make a lot
> sense.
> Keep this in mind: it's your character, not the leader's. Personally, if
> find myself in a group with a bad "general," I either disobey (and see how
> he reacts) and/or leave. You can be arrogant, see, because you are a
> special, who needs the rest of them, eh? Any other group would happily
> me up! Ever hear a bard shout to "join a group" more than Once? Hah!
> Never believe anybody knows more about being a bard than you do, because
> they may have played a bard but not--Your--bard! And you're in demand,
> don't take no nonsense, you can be choosey! Any group that can't use a
> has never been with a bard.
> Roop
> And besides, you're really singing the songs about the glory of your
> who wants to sing songs of glory to a bunch of nimrods? Flit around 'til
> you find real heroes like a real bard.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel P. Sniderman <slide@...>
> To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
> Date: Sunday, May 02, 1999 6:45 PM
> Subject: [eqbards] Re: Level 9
> >From: "Daniel P. Sniderman" <slide@...>
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Morgan Allison <morgan@...>
> >To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
> >Sent: Sunday, May 02, 1999 12:04 PM
> >Subject: [eqbards] Re: Level 9
> >
> >
> >> From: "Morgan Allison" <morgan@...>
> >>
> >> Your concerns really struck a nerve with me and I'd like to share some
> >my
> >> observations about life as a bard. As mentioned in previous reply, we
> >> bards are actually very good soloists. When things get hairy, we have
> the
> >> accellerando - a near full-proff excape route. In the situation you
> >> described, if I was getting hit hard and hit a lot, I'd hit
> >at
> >
> >I lasted about 15 seconds. I tried my damndest to get accell - but kept
> >getting stunned...
> >While I was stunned the two cents and the legionaire were hitting me..
> >
> >
> >> about 3 bars of health. This is because you slow down below 2 bars and
> >you
> >> may need that extra bar to get some distance between you and the orcs.
> >> Always have accellerando hot-keyed.
> >>
> >
> >Stupid me - didn't know you can hot-key a spell...
> >
> >> Second, lament is a great spell but it can, as you have learned, fail.
> >> However, the lower the level of creature is compared to you, the more
> >likely
> >> it is to succeed. Never use it on a white or higher con. It will fail
> >way
> >> too often. But, if they all con green or a low blue, you could solo a
> >camp
> >> and clean it out.
> >>
> >
> >I didn't realize they "fixed" that spell. When I first got it - it
> >working. Was soloing an orc camp in Lesser Feydark - (with a bunch of
> >level guys - no prob that time) - and it didn't work. I recall comments
> >this list about it. If there were comments that it was fixed - I must
> >missed it.
> >
> >> Third, our greatest power is in grouping, but grouping is risky. It is
> >> high-trust situation. Be very careful who you group with and guage how
> >well
> >> you can trust them. I might group with a group like you had described,
> >but
> >> I would not trust them to save my butt if I got in trouble and at the
> >first
> >> sign of trouble, I'd run. Only when they have shown that they can be
> >> counted on to keep me alive when the going got rough would I let myself
> >get
> >> low in health. I die more frequently in a group then solo because I am
> >> still too trusting and eager to jump into danger to save someone whose
> >> stupidity got them into trouble... usually failing and dieing along
> >of
> >> them.
> >
> >Well the biggest thing I learned - not to listen to non-bards about what
> >song to use. The leader of the group (who seemed to know what he was
> >doing) - asked me to turn on the dischord song before starting to fight.
> >should have trusted my own instincts than listen to someone else... I
> >usually start with a buff song - and switch when I feel it's appropriate.
> >>
> >> Be up front with them about this though. Make sure they understand
> >> since you don't know them well, and your life is dear to you, you will
> >> what you have to to protect it until some trust and teamwork has
> >developed.
> >>
> >
> >I appreciate the advice. Live and learn (or in this case - Die and
> >Getting Stunned is clearly the biggest problem we face in combat!
> >
> >Slyde
> >
> >
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