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Message ID: 4089
Date: Thu Jul 22 00:52:25 BST 1999
Author: Adar
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Blackened Iron

> Message: 25
> Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 16:31:27 -0400 (EDT)
> From: John Kim <kim@...>
> Subject: Re: Blackened Iron Armor *SPOILER* (sort of)
> Ok, I suppose if your primary goal in this game is to get to
> level 50 as quickly as possible, then selling the crown and
> using the plat to equip yourself is the way to go. Just
> remember, there will *always* be something bigger and meaner
> than you in this game for you to fight. While advancing
> quickly may inflate your ego (and I don't mean that in a
> derogatory way), it deprives you of time to explore and
> experience things meant for people your current level, good
> and bad. Some day, a level 15 player will gaze at your level
> 45 awesomeness, and ask you for advice, and you will be unable
> to give him any because at his level you had equipment way
> beyond his means.
> I never did understand people who paid $49.95 for Diablo, then
> immediately hacked themselves 50th level characters. If you
> sell the crown and buy yourself full bronze armor, a barbed

> whip, and dragoon dirk, I predict you will be very very bored
> for the next 10-15 levels because the only thing you'll have
> to look forward to is leveling. Just about everything dropped
> by stuff you fight until you reach about level 25 is going to
> be inferior to the equipment you bought at level 13.
> Just my opinion. To each his own.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...

I realize you don't exactly like twinkers, but there are several
inaccuracies I can think of with that argument.

First of all, having better equipment doesn't mean you explore *less*. It
means (for instance) being able to go to High Hold, or the Eastern Karanas,
a level earlier than you normally could. Nor does it affect knowledge of
equipment- at level 13, you're either wearing leather, banded, or bronze,
with a quest item or two mixed in (again, the quests are made MORE fun
because, just maybe, you can now solo the mob that's eluded you for the last
two levels, not less.)

Second, 250pp is not 250,000. Yes, that will buy you a set of bronze, but it
doesn't mean you must immediately stop looking for better stuff until you
make 10 more levels. On the contrary- it means you can save up money for the
*truly* useful items, like some elf hide gloves (if you're not an elf, that
is <G>) or a battle drum. It's not exactly a godly plate of the whale-
actually, every one of my characters after the first have made at least a
hundred pp by level 15 (fairly, I might add, without using any trade skills
or even camping for lore items like everyone else), and some have gotten
much more than that.

Finally, why is having a full set of bronze, a dirk, and money in the bank
(i.e., not having to worry about where your next song is coming from- that
was a very real concern to me at that level) somehow less 'noble' or 'fair'
than wearing all patchwork except for an admittedly very nice crown on your
head? I freely admit the situation would be very different if this was an
active twink- that's part of why all my characters are independent of each
other. But using a fairly gotten reward to make the next few levels less
painful- to, perhaps, get to see High Hold or Unrest a few days ahead of
time- isn't exactly cheating, at least in my opinion.

Flame away...

Brudo (E'Ci)
Adar (Brell Serillian, Tallon Zek)