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Message ID: 4104
Date: Thu Jul 22 08:29:41 BST 1999
Author: hho@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Subject: Twinking (was Re: Blackened Iron Armor *SPOILER* (sort of))

Hiya all,
Even if its a bit off topic for this NG. I would like to state my oppinion
I was aggrivated at first when I saw people running around with very good
armor and stuff, but after giving it some thought and looking at them
fight. I really dont feel that way anymore. Sure they have proberly been
twinked, but along the line mentioned in the post below; I have the feeling
it dont help them that much? IMO a level 10 player cannot take much
stronger beasts down just because he have a full set of bronze. Just when I
look at things going on in Unrest I can see that the people at my level
running around in Bronze fight the same stuff as me. I also seem to
remember that there is damage caps on weapon damage versus level, so a
level 1 char would not get much benefit of using a dirk?

IMO the two real problems with EQ is:
o Camping

I returned to Crushbone last night and it dident work anyway near it was
intended, because all the higher level orcs was camped out. and people was
just standing in line to kill this or that orc. During beta and the first
month of release I think it worked much better. Permafrost still works
okay, but it will proberly change as people learn how great a place it is.

o No money drains

I have not yet reached this point myself (50pp in bank wearing mostly
banded, a combine scimi and a dirk), but it seems ovius to me that EQ's
econ. is headed straight hell. The world is getting flooded with items and
money devaluating the econ very fast. Allmost no money goes back to the
system, but keeps pouring in to PC's pockets. I think that Verant has to
put some kind of money drain in! One thing I see as a possibilty is wearing
stuff out. I know M59 had this sollution where weapons got worn and would
eventually break if not mended proberly. The mending could (and should) be
done by NPC smiths or componts to it should come of npc's so GM's could
control the rate money could be sucked out of the world (we all needs our
weapons and armor right?). For casters this is allready implemented by the
use of components, but what about non casters? What do we spend our money
on (by NPC's), if we dont want to take up any trade skills...
I know that Brad have stated that he dont see any problems with it, but I
sure as hell do.

Ack This got way off topic. Sorry I will move my rambling to another

Musiker the rambling bard
18th level, Bertox

Message: 24
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 23:41:00 -0500
From: silky@...
Subject: Re: Blackened Iron Armor *SPOILER* (sort of)

While this is not really barding related - I guess anything that touches
the virtual world to this extent affects bards as much as anyone else.

Now - excuse me while I try to understand these statements.

It's understood that twinking is irritating to everyone but the twinkie -
however that said.....

At 09:38 PM 7/21/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: DreamKing <drmking@...>
>I totally agree with you. It aggrivates me to no end to see twinked
>because obviously it's not fair to the rest of us who actually work our
>behinds off for what we have,

PLEASE explain to me how (unless you are +pvp) what they have has ANY
bearing on you whatsoever? The 'it's not fair' portion fairly reeks of "I
didn't, you can't". Right or wrong, this in no way equates to 'fair or
unfair' since this is not a competition. Last I checked - no one got a
cookie for being first to anything here. My neighbor has a caddie - I drive
a bug - it's 'not fair'?

> but also because I feel they're missing out
>in part of the game completely.

Well, it's so nice to know that the happiness monitor is paying attention
and on duty. Really - if THEY are missing out - uhhhhh - is this also any
of your or my concern? While I happen to believe in your statement myself,
that is a personal choice - and there is nothing any of us - or Verant for
that matter can substantially do to stop this short of totally
restructuring the way things work. Thankfully - unless you are +pvp - it
removes a huge part of the equation of 'affecting others' unfairly or

I felt great when I was able to afford
>buying that last piece to my banded armor set. I didn't get to do that
>until after level 10. Yet I see people level 5 walking around with pieces
>(or complete sets) of plate armor. If someone offered me a set of plate
>would I accept it? Nope. It would totally take away from the game that I
>play. If someone offered me a little something for a favor I did them -
>sure I'd take it. But not if it was way out of bounds for the favor. It's
>not a matter of pride or passing up a great offer - it's about making the
>most out of EQ.

Well - my story is much the same, most of my contemporaries have moved onto
bronze, I'm still in banded, and likely will be till rubicite, if I ever
decide to move on at all. I am under no compunction to ever advance past
where I am now - some of us are NOT explorer - adventurer types. I'm happy
that everything in my homeland doesn't want a piece of me on a stick at
this point - that was my sole level goal. I look at this more as a world to
live in - vs a hack and slash to hit 50 on and finish. Matter of fact - I
spend a LOT of time in town, I just wish 'clothing' didn't look like a
skimpy one-piece bathing suit on me. I did make it to Qeynos today to get a
silk evening whachmacalit - the one with +5 charisma - guess what, looks
like I'm back in my swimsuit top *sigh*. Npc's can have nice clothes, why
can't I?

>Twinked players are missing out on so much.

Well, that depends - is this their first character? Believe me - after
playing UO for 2+ years, and EQ now for a few months, newbieness looses
it's attraction after you've already been there done that. Even if THIS
character hasn't - YOU have. Working up thru the lower ranks becomes so
much repetitive work - and it's a lot the same for most classes -
newbieness is newbieness all over Norrath.

Would I give one of my new characters equipment my old had outgrown, hmmm -
depends what it is. Probably, if it's nothing outlandish. My husband has a
habit of 'playing' around with a lot of different classes - although I tell
him when he gets frustrated to wait a bit, all classes are much the same to
start (i.e., you die a lot) he still does it. I will usually give him a
suit of patchwork and a real weapon - ewwww....bigtime twink there.

I think if I ever got my hands on the REALLY nice stuff - I'd still pass it
down, but I'd wait till that character was approaching appropriate level
for it. Not even for any high moral ground, but because all the twinking in
the world isn't gonna keep a lvl 1 from dieing with GREAT regularity. These
folks that do it before Lvl 5 are really much braver than I. I can see it

a) Make Newbie
b) Give Newbie 5 packpacks of armor and weapons
c) Equip Newbie
d) Newbie gets his butt handed to him by first bat he sees


WHAT! Quick, redial, redial - what someone cut an OC LINE! ARRRRRGGGGGHHH!

Scratch one very expensive set of equipment.

I've seen enough of these deaths to know that no armor or weapon in the
game is gonna make up for experience points - YOU IS STILL GONNA DIE - that
is one thing Verant did very, very well - twinking may be visual, but it
does NOT makeup for experience points - or knowledge of how things work.