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Message ID: 4124
Date: Thu Jul 22 16:11:26 BST 1999
Author: Rebecca Small
Subject: Twinking (long)

I have to put in my 2 cp here on twinking. I am twinked, fairly well but not
the worst by far. Saw a L11 in misty last wek wearing steel and Mithril. My
friends and I have also found various rubicited low level bodies about
Norrath so equipment is clearly not everything. Xegony is developing a fair
number of twinks, mainly I believe due to a large number of maxed players
who now are experimentin with new classes. As one of my guildmembers put it,
be happy for them, they did earn that stuff at some point and having down
the nwbie trip once why should we begrudge them? Far worse IMHO are the
max'ed chars that are sold to someone else!
Also, many of us on Xegony were in the beta and we started over many times,
new chars, new races, new classes. We know newbiedom so well! So yes we
cooperated and gave ourselves legs up as the ones who had time to max out in
2 months passed down their older equipment as they got better. A good guild
can really hlp you make connections as well as new friends. We have been
newbies plenty and now want to get higher. Besides, if a L40+ wants to give
you something, take it! They are trying to be nice and alot of them have
stuff stocked back they can't even use. With no money drains on them, they
can afford to be generous and it makes them feel good about helping others.
One thing I think also about twinking and relates to the real problem of
camping, if I have better stuff now I do not have to camp for it and add to
the general camping problem. It also frees me to help my friends get things
they need without squabbling about loot. when our melee friends want BBCs
and BIBs they know I am glad to come help, since I am not tied down camping
something to help me.
And lastly, sold one of the ashenwood spears to a friend last night for
50pp. That was what he could afford to give me for it, and I had stored it
when it came in from on of my husband's (L48) adventures. I did not use it
since it will not equip secondary and I was not giving up my thulian claw.
So I sold it to this friend and he is a very happy ranger indeed!
The final insult: I was asked last night why I was not higher level with
such good equipment, by a person in a zone we had just left. At the time, we
were wiping out a ghoul camp in North Karanas so a poor traveler could get
his body back. He had run into the camp unknowing and been killed. We gave
the guy all the loot from 6 ghouls, 3 mummies, and 4 skels by the time we
got clear of the camp and subsequent respawns. He was quite shocked and left
without looting them all, so we finished looting fast so he got splits
before he could disband from us!
And of course I am talking about saving for steel plate but can't overcome
my penchant for giving things and helping people!

Wondering if Cazi is fixed yet,
Brilinnia Ban'Sidhe
Knight of Excalibur,Xegony