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Message ID: 4168
Date: Thu Jul 22 19:29:45 BST 1999
Author: David.Lynam@xxxxxx.xx.xxx
Subject: Re: Twinking

>Because that guy is lower level than me, I should've been able
>to get the stuff before him, and when he went to camp for the
>item it wouldn't have mattered to me because I'd already have
>the item. Instead, he's gotten it before me, and thus dumped
>the camping congestion his item caused onto me when I go to
>get them. Like I said, cutting in line.

>To use your terminology above, a line progresses at x minutes/
>person. So (given a fixed number of people) a line will
>dissipate in the same amount of time no matter how the order
>is shuffled. But you can't deny that people in the middle
>have a legitimate gripe if someone in front gives their
>friends (secondary characters) in back a cut to the front.
>Calling them jealous because someone behind them got to go to
>the front is just plain stupid.

The way I see it, if the primary character gives an item or two to his
secondary character (without camping explicitly to give it to the second
character) this would have no effect on "the line" what so ever. YThe
line's length, as well as your position in it, remain unchanged. If
anything it eliminates an otherwise competitive entity from the line.