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Message ID: 417
Date: Mon May 3 20:21:18 BST 1999
Author: NeXuS
Subject: Re: Practicing Instruments

> From: "Mott, Mike J." <MIKE.J.MOTT@...>
> Also, does anyone have a list of the songs with the instrument used
> to play it?

Hi Here is list of all the Bard things I have put together including Songs
and What Instrament to use, what they do and Where to get them including
names of cities. I can send this in a TxT form but if you are like me I do
not normally Accept File attachments due to high number of Vireses and Word
Doc Macro Vireses. Just Copy everything here to a Bard.txt or Bard.doc file
and youll have it with you always. I am always putting together more so if
you have something here I don't please tell me so I can add it.

Bard of The League of Swords

Bard Song List and Where to get them.

Spell Descriptions

Level 1 - Chant of Battle
This will boost the parties AC, STR and DEX by a small ammount. It's not
very powerful but it does help a little

Level 2 - Chords of Dissonance
This spell does a small ammount of damage with an area effect. This spell
takes a long time just to get a regular rat to half it's health but if
you're fighting several targets at once then the difference can be
noticeable. Be very careful using it around any npc's such as the guards
since it will hurt them also

Level 3 - Jaxon's Jig o' Vigor
This will decrease the fatigue of the party by a small ammount. Great when

Level 4 - Lyssa's Locating Lyric
Click on the person whos corpse you want to find, cast this spell and it
will constantly update your heading so you're pointing at the corpse. The
corpse must be in the same zone as you. This spell works very well and it
will definitely come in handy now and then.

Level 5 - Selo's Accelerando
Cast this spell and you will be able to out run almost anything, use it with
a drum and you will. This is one of the bard's best spells.

Level 6 - Hymn of Restoration
This is the first really useful spell for combat. It will constantly heal
the party by 3 points every tick (5 seconds), 6 points with a stringed
instrument and plus the 1 point you usually get that's 7 points a tick. Plus
another if you're sitting down. I believe this spell does an extra 2 points
of healing for every 6 levels you gain over level 6

Level 7 - Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
This only works on yourself and it will increase your STR, AC and attack
speed. I find that Hymn is better unless you're attacking something that
can't hurt you anyways this will let you kill it a little faster

Level 8 - Kelin's Lugubrious Lament
This will only work on a single target at a time but if you have two
monsters standing beside each other and you know you can only handle one at
a time you can cast it on a one of them and lead the other away without the
first one attacking you. I've been told that if you time it right you can
work the effect on not only 1 but also 2 targets at a time which would come
in handy if you wanted to attack a camp. This spell can be very useful if
you learn to use it wisely

Level 9 - Elemental Rhythms
This will increase your fire, cold and magic resistances each one by 15 and
27 if you're using a drum with it. If your party is going to get blasted
with magic attacks from something like an evil eye and your extra attack
power won't be missed too sorely equip a drum and this spell can be a big

Level 10 - Anthem de Arms
This will increase the attack speed and strength of the party. Hymn is often
a better spell to use but if you have 2 bards in a group, a lot of hitters
or you're just not taking much damage then this spell can be very useful.
One trick is if you alternate between this and hymn with the right timing
you and get the benefits of both spells

Level 11 - Cinda's Charismatic Carillon
This spell apparently increases your faction with an NPC, I've tested it out
many times and haven't been able to observe strong results so far...

Level 12 - Brusco's Boastful Bellow
Bellow is another spell you'll find yourself using all the time. Target a
monster cast the spell and it starts off doing about a maximum of 7 points
of damage which doesn't sound like much but it never misses and it often
does full damage. I believe it does an extra point of damage every 2 levels
above 12. After you hit the monster you will see a message saying 'monster
was hit by non mele damage' or something like that, hit the spell button
again really quickly to stop casting and hit it again to recast it. When you
get the timing right you can cast it just as fast as swinging a longsword.
This is also the first spell a bard gets that's useful for drawing monsters
at a distance

Level 13 - Purifying Rythms
This will increase your party's resistance against poison, magic and disease
each by 15 and 27 if you're using a drum. This spell is just like the level
9 spell except it effects more commonly dealt with attacks
Level 14 - Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto
Cast this spell and click an item like a ring on your person and it will
tell you something about it.

Level 15 - Kelin's Lucid Lullaby
Run into an orc camp, cast this spell and they will all fall asleep allowing
you to attack them one by one. This spell gets more powerful as you go up
levels so after you gain a few more levels you can do the same at a dervish
camp. Very powerful spell when there are a lot of easier monsters attacking
you. It usualy works flawlessly on monsters that con green to you, works ok
on monsters that are blue and anything greater then blue it usually won't do
much to.

Level 16 - Tarew's Aquatic Ayre
As long as you are singing this song your party can remain underwater
indefinitely. If you want to explore underwater or get into combat
underwater this spell is a must

Level 17 - Guardian Rhythms
This will increase your parties resistance against magic by 15 and 27 if
you're holding a drum plus it will increase your AC by 3 and 7 with a drum.
The AC increase is insignificant at this level so the level 13 spell seems
like a better one to keep memorized since it covers more attacks

Level 18 - Denon's Disruptive Discord
This is just like the level 2 spell except that it's area of effect is a
little smaller and it also reduces effected monsters AC. It dishes out
approximately 4 points of damage and 8 if you use it with a horn. If you
have a bunch of easier monsters attacking you and lulling them isn't worth
it then use this and they'll all be dead pretty quick

Level 19 - Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
This spell will make your party invisible but you must be holding a wind
instrument for it to work at all. Great spell for making your way through
dangerous areas like highpass hold by yourself but it doesn't work so well
in a party since the other pary members have to stay fairly close to you in
order to be effected and they can't see you

Level 20 - Largo's Melodic Binding
This is another area effect combat spell so be careful around guards etc. It
apparently reduces the effected targets by decreasing their attack speed and
AC. I haven't been able to notice a difference so far; maybe I need to find
a stopwatch to time this stuff. Whether or not it works as assumed this
won't be one of those killer spells you'll find yourself looking forward to

Level 21 - Melanie's Mellifluous Motion
Cast this spell and roughly every 5 seconds it wills randomly teleport you
to a nearby location. Used with a wind instrument it will teleport you
farther. This spell even works in a dungeon but I couldn't get it to
teleport me through walls or locked doors. This might come in handy if
you're fighting in a dungeon and since you can't use your speed spell this
could give you a little head start if you wanted to run from a fight

Level Title Location

1 Chant of Battle Any Bard Guild
2 Chords of Dissonance Any Bard Guild
3 Jaxan's Jig O Vigor Any Bard Guild
4 Lyssa's Locating Lyric Any Bard Guild
5 Selo's Accelerando Any Bard Guild
6 Hymn of Angels Any Bard Guild
7 Jonathan's Warsong Any Bard Guild
8 Kelin's Lament Kelethin
9 Elemental Rhythms Kelethin, Qeynos
10 Anthem de Arms Freeport, Qeynos
11 Cinda's Charismatic Carrillion Kelethin
12 Brusco's Boastful Bellow Freeport, Qeynos
13 Purifying Rhythms Kelethin, Qeynos
14 Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto Erudin
15 Kelin's Lucid Lullaby Kelethin
16 Tarew's Aquatic Ayre Highhold
17 Guardian Rhythms Kelethin, Qeynos
18 Denon's Disruptive Discord Freeport, Qeynos
19 Shauri's Sonorous Clouding Erudin
20 Largo's Melodic Binding Freeport, Qeynos
21 Melanie's Mellifluous Motion Highhold
22 Alenia's Disenchanting Melody Kelethin, Qeynos
23 Selo's Consonant Chain Highhold
24 Lyssa's Veracious Concord Erudin
25 Psalm of Warmth Erudin, Kelethin, Qeynos
26 Angstlich's Apalling Screech Kelethin
27 Solon's Song of the Sirens Kelethin
28 Crission's Pixie Chase Kelethin
29 Psalm of Vitality Kelethin, Qeynos
31 Agilmente's Aria of Eagles Highhold
32 Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity Kelethin, Qeynos
33 Psalm of Cooling Erudin, Kelethin, Qeynos
34 Lyssa's Solidarity of Vision Erudin
35 Denon's Dissension Freeport, Qeynos
36 Vilia's Verses of Celerity Freeport, Qeynos
37 Psalm of Purity Kelethin, Qeynos
40 Syvelian's Anti-Magic Aura Kelethin
41 Psalm of Mystic Shielding Kelethin, Qeynos
42 McVaxius Berserker Crescendo Freeport, Qeynos

Bard Songs
I'll do a short description of the first few songs bards receive.
After that, you'll be on your own, but help is always around the
corner. Politely asking a higher level bard will usually get you
the answers you seek.

1. Chant of Battle - (Singing skill) Adds to your AC and strength.
A weak effect, but you'll mostly be singing this song at a low
level, and it will work well for you. This song affects everyone
in your party.

2. Chords of Dissonance - (Stringed Instruments) Damages everything
within a certain area from the person singing/playing the song.
A very useful spell for damaging monsters, especially those that
cannot be harmed by normal weapons and/or a gang of monsters all
in a group. This spell is VERY dangerous though, as everything
affected by it will NOT be happy with you. In dungeons for
example, you will find yourself attacked by monsters that were
ignoring you up until you started playing this song. In inns
and cities, this song will get guards and merchants attacking
YOU very quickly. I don't know a single bard who hasn't been
killed because they played this song too close to a guard or
merchant. When you use it, get in the habit of turning it off
IMMEDIATELY after you kill the monster you are fighting.

3. Jaxan`s Jig o` Vigor - (Singing skill) This song increases your
stamina as you sing it. Stamina is very important when you run
long distances, or in long fights. This song affects everyone in
your party.

4. Lyssa`s Locating Lyric - (Singing skill) If you have nothing
targeted, this song finds the nearest corpse. Not too useful. The
strength of this song lies in its targeted ability. Select the
person whose corpse you wish to locate (such as yourself), and
start singing. Soon your body will jerk around in the direction
of the corpse, and the corpse is selected. You will make many
friends with this song, locating long lost bodies, an all too
common problem in EQ.

5. Selo`s Accelerando - (Percussion skill) One of the best songs
a bard has, this song enables the bard to run like the wind,
particularly if the person is using a drum and is skilled in its
use. This song affects everyone in the party, and so is very
popular for groups making a long distance trip. The song also
decreases the stamina loss caused by running for long periods
of time. Whether it is getting from A to B faster or outrunning
an angry swarm of monsters, this is one of the most handy songs
a bard will ever sing.

6. Hymn of Restoration - (Stringed Instruments) This is the cr´┐¢me
de la cr´┐¢me of bard songs, at least in the first 10 levels. Singing
this song provides a constant regeneration of health for as long
as the song is played. Healing rates vary with levels, but singing
the song alone up to level 11 heals 3 hit points per "pulse", which
roughly equates to one round of combat. Playing this song with a
stringed instrument increases the effect to 5 per pulse. This song
effects everyone in your party and will really make you popular,
both among your fellow adventurers and among the monsters you are
fighting, who will often stop beating on the beefy fighters in the
group to get at the pesky bard healing everyone. In a party that
switches off the person who is taking damage, this song is amazing,
because it allows players to take damage, heal while someone else
takes the damage, and then switch off again, vastly increasing
the durability of the party during a fight. After the fight is over,
get our your lute and start playing. Soon, even the most grievously
wounded fighter in the party will be ready to go again, all without
mana expenditure.

7. Jonthan's Whistling Warsong - (Singing skill) This song is
essentially a beefed up "Chant of Battle" that only effects the
singer. It has little use in a party, but is useful when soloing.
Some say the healing song is better, but you don't need to heal
if they can't hit you.

8. Kelin`s Lugubrious Lament - (Singing skill) Formerly used for
a different purpose, this song has been redone into a bard version
of the Lull spell. This song is incredibly useful, allowing you
to tackle monsters who are in groups by lulling the monsters you
do not wish to attack, then pulling the monsters you do. Monsters
will occasionally resist your spell, or sometimes the lull effect
will not be enough to keep them quiet, but this is still a
wonderful addition to your songbook.

9. Elemental Rhythms - (Percussion Instruments) This song vastly
increases the party's resistance to fire, cold and magic,
particularly when played with a drum. Useful for fighting
spellcasting monsters and the like, but the situations are
pretty specialized.

10. Anthem de Arms - (Singing skill) This song increases the
party's strength and more importantly - attack speed! The
increase in speed is hard to notice at times, but it is
there, and you will REALLY notice it in parties with a lot
of "hitters". If you are in a party that is fighting a lot
of monsters and not taking a lot of damage, you will find
this song even better than the mighty Hymn of Restoration, and
that is saying A LOT.

11. Cinda's Charismatic Carrillon - This song causes a wave
of enchantment to wash over you and your NPC target, making the
NPC like you more than they did before. In theory, this should
make prices lower for you, and make hostile NPCs more likely
to appreciate you. The effect is small and hard to notice,

12. Brusco's Boastful Bellow - (Singing Skill) This is the
bard's single target, direct damage song. Although the amount
of damage done by the song is low compared to the direct
damage spells of a wizard or other spellcaster of the same
level, the fact that it can be sung without mana makes this
song special. This spell is especially good for getting a
monster's attention, damaging monsters that re vulnerable
only to magic or disrupting spellcasters who have Rooted you
outside of weapon range. Additionally, this song really ticks
the monsters off, so it is useful if you want to taunt their
attention off someone else in a fight.

13. Purifying Rhythms - (Percussion Skill) This is similar to
Elemental Rhythms in that it raises your party's resistances,
in this case, Poison, Magic and Disease resistance. This song
is very useful, especially if juggled with an offensive song,
as there are a great many monsters who disease and poison,
both of which are very annoying effects.

14. Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto -- This song is similar to the
Identify series of spells possessed by other spellcasters.
Currently, this song is not of much use, since all items are

15. Kelin`s Lucid Lullaby - (Stringed Instruments) This song
does what you would expect a lullaby to do - it puts things
to sleep. Similar to Chords of Dissonance, this song affects
everything in a certain radius, so it should be used with
care, but its effect is incredibly useful. Found yourself
surrounded by monsters, trapped with no way out and about
die? Put them to sleep! This song is the Feign Death of the
bard class, and it will save your life many times. It is
fairly easily resisted though, so be ready for monsters who
didn't appreciate your bedtime tunes.

16. Tarew`s Aquatic Ayre - (Wind Instruments) This song allows
and your entire party you to breath underwater, adventuring
in areas other players can only dream of.

17. Guardian Rhythms - (Percussion Instruments) This song increases
the party's magic resistance and creates a "spell shield". Just
how the spell shield part of this song works is unknown to the
author, but presumably the party is much more resistant to magical
attack while the bard plays this song.

18. Denon`s Disruptive Discord - (Brass Instruments) This song is
very similar to Chords of Dissonance, except that in addition to
damaging your opponents, it lowers their AC as well. This is the
first song that REQUIRES the bard use an instrument, as it cannot
be sung for lesser effect.

19. Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding - (Wind Instruments) Like Denon's
Discord, this song requires the use of an instrument, but the
effects of the song are more than worth this limitation. Shauri`s
Sonorous Clouding makes the entire party inivisible, allowing
them to simply walk through areas that would otherwise would be
completely inaccessable to them. Keep in mind though, that some
monsters can see invisible players.

20. Shauri`s Sonorous Clouding - (Wind Instruments) Like Denon's
Discord, this song requires the use of an instrument, but the
effects of the song are more than worth this limitation. Shauri`s
Sonorous Clouding makes the entire party inivisible, allowing
them to simply walk through areas that would otherwise would be
completely inaccessable to them. Keep in mind though, that some
monsters can see invisible players.

Bard Spells

All Bard Spells - 1 Spell per Level

Level/Spell Name
Location Found

1-Chant of Battle
Party: Add Armor Class, Strength, and Dexterity
Any Bard Guild

2-Chords of Dissonance
Non Party: Damage 30 foot radius
Any Bard Guild

3-Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor
Party: Fatigue Return
Any Bard Guild

4-Lyssa's Locating Lyric
Target: Find Corpse
Any Bard Guild

5-Selo's Accelerando
Party: Increase Movement and Fatigue
Any Bard Guild

6-Hymm of Restoration(Angels)
Party: Healing
Any Bard Guild

7-Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
Self: Add Strength and Armor Class (Attack Speed)
Any Bard Guild

8-Kelin's Lugubrious Lament
Target: Lower Reaction and Help and AGRO

9-Elemental Rhythms
Party: Protections from Fire, Cold, and Magic
Kelethin, Qeynos

10-Anthem de Arms
Party: Add Attack Speed and Strength
Freeport, Qeynos

11-Cinda's Charismatic Carillon
Self: Add NPC Faction

12-Brusco's Boastful Bellow
Target: 1/d Damage
Freeport, Qeynos

13-Purifying Rhythms
Party: Protections from Poison, Disease, and Magic
Kelethin, Qeynos

14-Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto
Item: Identify

15-Kelin's Lucid Lullaby
Non Party: Entrall and Nix S.

16-Tarew's Aquatic Ayre
Party: Water Breathing

17-Guardian Rhythms
Party: Protection from Magic, Add Armor Class and Spell Shield
Kelethin, Qeynos

18-Denon's Disruptive Discord
Non Party: Damage and Lower Armor Class
Freeport, Qeynos

19-Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
Party: Invisibility

20-Largo's Melodic Binding
Non Party: Lower Attack Speed and Lower Armor Class
Freeport, Qeynos

21-Melanie's Mellifluous Motion
Party: Short Distance Random Teleport

22-Alenia's Disenchanting Melody
Party: Cancel Magic
Kelethin, Qeynos

23-Selo's Consonant Chain
Target: Slow Down Target Movement, and Lower Attack Speed

24-Lyssa's Veracious Concord
Party: See Invisible

25-Psalm of Warmth
Erudin, Kelethin, Qeyn

26-Angstlich's Apalling Screech

27-Solon's Song of the Sirens

28-Crission's Pixie Chase

29-Psalm of Vitality
Kelethin, Qeynos


31-Agilmente's Aria of Eagles

32-Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity
Kelethin, Qeynos

33-Psalm of Cooling
Erudin, Kelethin, Qeyn

34-Lyssa's Solidarity of Vision

35-Denon's Dissension
Freeport, Qeynos

36-Vilia's Verses of Celerity
Freeport, Qeynos

37-Psalm of Purity
Kelethin, Qeynos



40-Syvelian's Anti-Magic Aura

41-Psalm of Mystic Shielding
Kelethin, Qeynos

42-McVaxius Berserker Crescendo
Freeport, Qeynos