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Message ID: 4192
Date: Fri Jul 23 00:31:46 BST 1999
Author: Tom Henschel
Subject: Getting a good item! and selling it

Greetings again!

Fflewduer here to offer 'is two copper's worth on this long subject.

The other night I came by Zarhan's Coronet! I was level 18 (19
now..hurrah!!) and I looked at the stats and found I could not equip this
item. So...I offered it to the party. They laughed their butts off! They
said why would I want to give away for free an item that sells for 500pp?
What?!? I can get this kind of money for it? Wow! Well, can anybody use it
or not? They say no. So I tell guild. They say to sell it. So I auction
it....but I am reasonable. I state in my auction the worth of this item and
then say I will take far less for a deserving person. A level 30 shaman
answers that he would like to buy the item. So I sold it for 300pp. Am I
bad? I was in leather up to level 14. Now I have bronze and banded. I had
a fs long sword and a fs scimitar (which I lost on a looting bug). Now I
have a dragoon dirk and a combine long sword. I have plenty of cash in the
bank now too. So....was I wrong to sell? No! I have played the game to
the hilt. I couldn't equip the item. Somebody else has wanted it for a
long time and could afford the price I asked. Did they cheat? No! So I
guess I am saying that if a person hits the lottery jackpot, they should be
able to enjoy it. I think we have several people here on the list who agree
with this in part or in whole.

One point I would like to make is that an experienced person has stated that
selling an item you can use may not be wise since you will probably want it
later. I think we are confusing two issues here. To sell or keep being one
issue. To have alot of money at a realatively low level being another.

First may I address keeping valuable items? Ok...if I had that crown I
would keep it. I don't really need it, but I don't really need the money
either. So I would keep it. If I came across a money crunch though, I
would sell stuff to get what I want. I have a cleric friend that literally
sold all his armour (when we were in low teens) to buy spells. Was that
wise? Got me. But he had his spells which made the party stronger. And he
had our sympathy so we made sure that all armour loots went to him. Plus we
bought auctioned gear we could afford. If you solo though....choose well!

Second let's visit having bnch of money at low level. There are rich
families in the real world. These families have kids that drive cars I
dream about. Am I jealous? Hell yeah! A 16 year old kid in a brand new
Corvette is always sure to set my teeth on edge. That is life. Some people
will always have more/better stuff. If i was a multi-bizzillionaire I would
buy family nice stuff too. So in a virtual world if I see a level one guy
running around with a full bronze plate and a deadly weapon running for the
guards to hide from two firebeetles I laugh. To me it is like a rich kid.
He's not better than me, he has better stuff. He doesn't bother me a bit.

One last point to make. One person mentioned that a character that was
outfitted well had little reason to fulfill quests that provided items of
less value than currently equiped. Also along this line of thought it was
stated that a character may not get the full value out of the game because
one needn't go to all of the apropriate areas for the level (Crushbone,
Oasis, etc.)and wouldn't be able to relate to others tactics on handling
these places. Hmmm. There's much to say on this, but want to try to keep
it short and to a point. I haven't been to all the places "appropriate to
my level" with my Bard. I have been to some, and linger in ones I like.
Also the places are far apart. My real world time is precious, and running
halfway across the world (or farther) just to see if I may like a place or
not is not a practical thought. If I like a place, get good exp, have
friends in the area (through grouping with different groups), then why
should I leave? Am I missing the "full value" of the game? I think not. I
can start a character someday closer to places my Bard hasn't visited. I
WILL see everything, eventually. One thing to keep in mind is that we all
have a different idea of getting the most out of EQ. I am social. If my
party wants to move, we move. I don't say "I am outta here! One more level
and I won't enjoy Crushbone anymore!" That would be unfair to the party.
To sum up this little tirade, this is a subjective issue. I have seen high
evel people in Crushbone, trying to complete a quest for lower levels. Are
they annoying low level people? Oh yeah! Why are they there? To complete
a quest that is fun and challenging to figure out. If I start out in
Qeynos, with a monk, I would level up a good bit before trying to cross some
hard zones to get to Freeport. Then I would work my way to Kelethin. By
the time I got to Crushbone I would probably too powerful for it. But I
would go anyway if I heard there was a good quest there.

Ok! I lied! I told you 2 copper's worth and then gave you a gold piece!
These are just some of my thoughts on the subjects. I don't want us to
argue over subjective things like value of items and value of game play. I
like debate. I know that I am basically supporting a side on this topic,
but I hope any opposing view points don't take offense! I used examples to
address them not to attack the person who originated. I believe we all
really like being Bards, and I believe that we are all decent people! We
should get along just fine!

Fflewdeur,19th level Bard,enjoying Cazic-Thule server

P.S. I expect some rebuttals!!

>OK. Let me start off by saying I too dislike twinking. That said, THE
>that a twink? He got the item fair and square so shouldn't it be his to do
>as he wishes?
>Jeez people, crawl down off your soapbox once in a while.
>Taelin, Songweavers of Kelethin, The Rathe
> > From: DreamKing <drmking@...>
> >
> > I totally agree with you. It aggrivates me to no end to see twinked
> > because obviously it's not fair to the rest of us who actually work our
> > behinds off for what we have, but also because I feel they're missing
> > in part of the game completely. I felt great when I was able to afford
> > buying that last piece to my banded armor set. I didn't get to do that
> > until after level 10. Yet I see people level 5 walking around with
> > (or complete sets) of plate armor. If someone offered me a set of plate
> > would I accept it? Nope. It would totally take away from the game that I
> > play. If someone offered me a little something for a favor I did them -
> > sure I'd take it. But not if it was way out of bounds for the favor.
> > not a matter of pride or passing up a great offer - it's about making
> > most out of EQ.
> >
> > Twinked players are missing out on so much.
> >
> > >I never did understand people who paid $49.95 for Diablo, then
> > >immediately hacked themselves 50th level characters. If you
> > >sell the crown and buy yourself full bronze armor, a barbed
> > >whip, and dragoon dirk, I predict you will be very very bored
> > >for the next 10-15 levels because the only thing you'll have
> > >to look forward to is leveling. Just about everything dropped
> > >by stuff you fight until you reach about level 25 is going to
> > >be inferior to the equipment you bought at level 13.