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Message ID: 4202
Date: Fri Jul 23 03:18:45 BST 1999
Author: Jesse
Subject: Twinking (OT)

> > They're indistinguishable to you. What business is it of yours? None.
> I've stated over and over how twinking can negatively impact
> the gameplay of non-twinkers. That makes it my business. If
> all of a sudden your pay was cut by 25%, but you were unable
> to determine exactly who was responsible for the decision,
> wouldn't you say it's your business?

Your pay has not been cut by 25%. In fact, it could easily be said your
pay has increased by 25%, since there's less competition for the same
items for you.

> Most everyone agrees the servers are overcrowded. If 20% of
> the players are twinked, and they clear out 30% of the mobs in
> an area because they are more effective, that leaves 70% of
> the mobs for the other 80% of players. See the pain?

This is an issue of overcrowding, not of twinking. Additionally, the
faster outdoor wandering mobs are killed, the faster they respawn.

> > > different class/character quickly, with little regard for all
> > > the toes they'll be stepping on on the way.

> > Oh yes, look at all those toes I stepped on by not camping for tomahawks..
> > oh my god. I guess I better go camp those items (with my new char), making
> > everyone wait longer and the game less and less fun for everyone.
> Reread the first line in my message you're quoting. I have no
> problem with giving equipment to other characters when you're
> done using it. All I was saying is that that sort of twinking
> is indistinguishable from the evil sort, and as such you are
> going to catch some of the flak aimed at the evil kind.

To me it sounded not like you're saying that "I'm gonna catch some flak".
It sounded more like you're saying "I'm evil" and am stepping on the toes
of others, when truly I am stepping on their toes less than if I hadn't
passed down my old equipment.

> > The alternative is to stop crying and whining over things that are most
> > likely not hurting you and most likely do more good than harm.
> >
> > Your choice seems to be to shoot all the innocents just in case there's a
> > bad guy in there. What an honorable decision, yes, you shot the bad guys..
> > nevermind those people who are actually making the situation better.
> I find it odd that you're so upset about this. If you're one

Sorry, perhaps I overreacted a bit, but your entire message felt like it
was accusing all twinkers (which to some extent definitely includes me) as
being 'bad guys'. You made very little distinction between people recaming
for equipment and passing it down. In fact, I repeatedly referred to
passing down old equipment and you repeatedly berated my actions as
somehow hurting you.

> of these innocents, the *only* problem you'll have which can't
> be handled by the /ignore command is people withholding help
> from you. Why should people be obligated to help you?

Who ever said they were obligated to help me? WHO EVER asked for help in
the first place?! This clearly wasn't a discussion about whether people
should be obligated to help me or not.

> I sense a double-standard - twinkers should be free to play the
> game the way they choose, but other players shouldn't be free
> to withhold help from twinkers?

I sense an effort to throw up a smoke screen of confusion with words and
quick changes of topics in the middle of the discussion.

Never, not once (by me or anything I quoted) was it suggested that
people should be obligated to help twinkers. This debate was simply
whether or not people passing down their old equipment to new characters
was hurting you (the average other player).

> And if it bothers you this much, you can stop it immediately -
> put away your twinked items until they're appropriate for your
> level.

What bothers me is your repeated insistance that by NOT making your wait
in line for an item longer, by NOT camping things with a fixed limited
rate of appearance, I'm somehow hurting you.

I don't know if your change of topic was simply a misunderstanding or an
attempt to quietly back out of a losing argument, but either way it
doesn't help to pretend someone was arguing for something they weren't.

Jesse <j@...>