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Message ID: 4355
Date: Mon Jul 26 19:41:44 BST 1999
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: RE: Magical Gloves? (Added: Bard Revenge?)

This isn't just a bard only problem, try being in a group and having a mag
outzap your entire group like that, very irritating.

Verant is well aware of this problem, I think they are just not sure how to
combat it.

The best solution I've seen proposed so far, is having total group damage
count against who gets the kill. Of course, a group of mages could team up,
but kill stealers like this tend to be loners - getting a group of higher
level ones together to accomplish this would be a lot harder to do.

As it works now - whoever gets the most damage in, gets the kill. If you
happen to be in a group, it extends to your group.

There is no 'good' answer to this, as any possible solutions present their
own brand of problems.

Once you get high enough to charm - that IS something a bard can do, charm
the mob - the caster wastes his manna, mob goes uncharmed, proceed to kill.

It's truly a pity that some folks had such poor home training that they
feel justified acting in such an antisocial manner in 'a game'. I usually
try to talk to them, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it
doesn't - this type also has a nasty habit of proceeding into actions that
can quite reasonably be considered harrassment - THAT the GMs CAN do
something about, and if it happens, I have no problem whatsoever reporting

>And on a different subject and trying to keep it Bard related: What can a
>bard do (if anything) when he/she is being constantly robbed of his/her
>kills by magic users? For example.. I'm sitting on the training hill in
>Crushbone just wailing away having a good ol' time - nobody else is up there
>(that I can see) and I'm just plugging away at Centurions.. Lo' and behold
>the Trainer spawns.. I start whacking away at him thinking great, real
>experience now - and *zap* *bang* *boosh* and the trainer is running to a
>magic user that was hiding himself over the edge of the hill. Aparently (now
>I know) the Trainer carries the Shiney Brass Shield sometimes.. I mutter my
>profanities and the other person leaves (so I thought). Same thing happens
>again.. And again.. I finally get sick of it and leave the hill. Is there
>nothing that as a Bard we can do to prevent this sort of thing? I mean, I
>wasn't camping for the shield (didnt even really know about it at first) but
>my kills were being stolen. I've camped before and gladly take turns with
>any other groups that are present - but it's really annoying that there's
>such rampant stealing like this and nothing that can be done about it. Whine
>to Verrant? I doubt they'd do anything.. Duel the caster? Bah, he wouldn't
>accept. And neither of us were PvP's. Are we as Bard's just stuck to the
>whims of Magic users?
>I won't even get into the massive and unbelievable amount of KS'ing on the
>new Brell Serillis server.. keeeeripes man. 100 people outside of Felwithe
>going after the same MOB's.. I gave up on that server quickly.
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