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Message ID: 4404
Date: Tue Jul 27 04:15:33 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: Bard Revenge

On Wed, 26 May 1999, SteelWolf wrote:
> My best example of revenge is when a friend and I were in
> Runnyeye camping the warlord so we could get him a BI
> crown. We were the only two people in the zone. In comes a
> L28 druid and a L25 cleric, who decide they also want the
> warlord. They however, were not willing to take turns

Do you see something wrong with this picture? Druids can't
even *use* the BI crown. While I don't want to dredge up the
twinking topic, I see stuff like this happening way too often,
and it's why I feel so strongly about it.

> Warlord spawns, and I easily charm it. The druid casts
> lightning 7 times on a charmed warlord, and manages one

I thought lightning was an outdoors-only spell?

> hit. She then goes to melee it, with her below average
> melee ability and manaless. I simply melee dual-wielded
> and bellow constantly. I easily got the kill. After this
> demonstration, she apologized for being rude, and agreed
> to take turns. *smiles at such a happy ending*

Bravo. I used it a couple times in Mistmoore to get back
pulls that someone else (always seems to be a caster) decided
he'd rather have. As hotly contested as the gargoyles are,
most folks seem to be polite about letting the guy who gets
the first blow take it though.

> The charm song is simply one of our most powerful combat
> related skills. The other day late I pulled a barkeeper
> and a dry bones came. Again it was a friend and I
> fighting, and both monsters together were too much. I
> charmed the barkeeper and ordered him to guard me. We then
> saw:
> "an undead barkeeper backstabs a dry bones skeleton for
> 154 points of damage"

Yup, the amount of damage you can do with weapons is almost
insignificant compared to the damage mobs can do against each
other. I have *no* qualms anymore about not "helping" my
group by fighting when I'm busy charming. Our main problem
has been my pets doing so much damage they get the kill while
uncharmed, and the corpse disappears.

Just today in Mistmoore I took out two pledge and one glyphed
familiar solo using charm. Normally I'll end a fight with a
single pledge at about half, and usually lose a fight with a
glyphed. With these three and charm, I ended up less than a
bubble down before only the glyphed was left, and two bubbles
down when I'd finished off the glyphed. I also took out two
green caster familiars (got them to fight each other), then
had the survivor suicide against a gargoyle which I finished
off with the loss of less than a bubble.

I also managed 5 successive kills before I had to zone. I
charmed two into attacking each other, and new ones kept
spawning. People were standing around watching me *win* what
looked like two consecutive three-on-one fights before the
gradual attrition dropped me below two bubbles, a caster
spawned, and I had to zone. I probably would've stuck around
if I'd had my lute equipped (turned out I still had my weapons
up), as I'd also been healing myself the entire time.

> The barkeeper went on to completely destroy the dry bones
> in under a minute, and we got the exp since he was a pet.
> Charm is outstanding also for pulling something off a
> wizard or cleric because if the charm works, they are out
> of danger. I have yet to see any other song of ours that

It also works great for pulling stuff that's frenzied on a
party member. Usually I'm grouped with one (or two, or three)
paladins and they like to hang onto their lay hands until
someone is down to a half bubble. Now they're less likely to
rush it and waste it when a monster attacks them before they
hit the LH button and thus ends up being the recipient of the

A cyclops hits a kodiak for 68 points.
A cyclops hits a kodiak for 68 points.
[kodiak that had been bugging us during our fight with the
cyclops proceeds to flee]

Heh heh - I love it.

> works so well against monsters that con red. There was
> nothing quite so satisfying as being in Cazic Thule and
> charming a justicar, and having it go from casting Greater
> Heal and Daring on the other lizards to Smite Smite Smite
> Smite.

Yeah, a problem I've been having is I think I've retargeted
but I haven't, and I end up charming a red mob. If there's
something nearby to make it fight, it's not that bad. But
when it's only mob you see...

It's also a great way to pull casting mobs. Casters have this
annoying habit of standing way back there and nuking you
instead of being a good little mob and walking into the melee
death trap your party has set up. I just charm the caster,
order it to follow me, walk back to our party, and have it sit
in the middle of our group. If the caster starts to cast a
spell at you *before* you charm it, but it's charmed *when*
the spell fires, you will be protected from its effects on the
non-PvP servers.

> One thing I have noticed, is that ordering the pet to
> attack a specific target does not always work properly.
> Sometimes it will attack a member of our party that hurt
> it, even though it is still charmed. For this reason I use
> Guard me and Guard Here. Guard Here is great if you will
> have to zone, Guard me is what I use in combat.

I will try that. The only annoying thing I have to say is
that the pet seems to default to guard here when you charm it.
If it sees any hostiles nearby, it will attack. I lulled four
tidal lords and tried using charm to pull one. It immediately
turned around and attacked another. I told it to follow me,
which it did for about 0.1 seconds, then turned around and
attacked another. Eventually my friend and I had to deal with
all four tidal lords at once (which wasn't too bad considering
he was on one, two were fighting each other, and I was keeping
the fourth mesmerized with Pixie Strike while playing Hymn
with my lute equipped). My pet tidal lord finished off the
other tidal lord before my friend (L28 paladin) had gotten his
tidal lord down to about 70%.

John H. Kim