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Message ID: 4575
Date: Thu Jul 29 15:45:23 BST 1999
Author: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)
Subject: Silly Bards (+story)

What's the silliest thing that you've done in your EQ travels?

To start, mine was two nights ago..

A fellow Bard and I were walking cautiously through Befallen, sneaking past
the numerous wandering skeletons and avoiding the sharp diseased teeth of
the rats that seemed to be at every footstep. We came upon a door. We
listened and didn't hear anything from the other side. Apprehensively we
opened it ever so slightly and peered inside. All clear, it looked safe
enough. My friend walked in and to the side looking around to make sure
nothing was hiding. "It's safe, come on in", he said. Breathing a sigh of
relief I walked through the door. *crunch* The next thing I heard was the
sound of my body hitting the floor. The floor in the room below us. "Ouch!
Egads! I've BEfallen and I can't get up!" So much for sticking together. We
both check the hand drawn maps that we purchased from a previous traveler
and can't figure out where I happen to be now. While debating as to whether
we should chance having him come down and join me or me just trying to run
as fast as I can until I see something that might look familiar, the only
door in the room opens. My heart stops and fear paralyzes my body as my eyes
wide with terror watch a nearly dead warrior come through, battered, bloody
and obviously near death. He looks around the room, looking for an escape
and I can see the terror in his eyes as he realizes that he's reached a dead
end. He turns and screams as 4 mummies and a very upset ghoul come into the
room after him. Still paralyzed with fear and confusion I can do nothing but
watch as the undead devour his body and soul. In the middle of the carnage I
believe my only hope is to try to run past them while they're occupied, run
for my life. Sword and shield in hand and cursing the limitations of Selo
and his now defunct song I make a run for it. A corner here, a hall there, a
ghoul and a mummy oh my! Finally! The double stairway! I recognize where I'm
at and keep running. Suddenly I'm stunned and fall to the floor, covered
with the living undead creatures making my death quick, but very painful.

Let the silliness begin.

I run from Freeport and through the desert back to the entrance of Befallen
(appropriately named I have come to find out) where my friend meets with me.
Jokingly he says "Watch that first step, it's a doozy". Hrmph. I find my
poor corpse and retrieve my belongings. Angry and vowing revenge we decide
to return to the room and press onward. Carefully making our way back
towards the area and confident because the rooms were empty before, we rush
forward. *crash* Guess who fell through the floor. Again. *sigh* After
receiving many curses on my family and my heritage from my friend, I yell to
him above to go back and meet me on the other side. I decide to try to make
a run for it before someone brings another group of upset undead into the
room again. I open the door and there standing before me is a ghoul. With a
knowing grin on his face waving his finger back and forth in a "No no,
you're not going anywhere" motion. I scream my best bellow and run. Run for
my life.. which ended, very quickly there after.

Moral of the story - Watch that first step, it's a doozy.