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Message ID: 4648
Date: Fri Jul 30 20:44:53 BST 1999
Author: Mike Roach
Subject: RE: Instruments in dual wield

Instrument always goes in second melee slot, but you can never put anything
in the first melee slot with the instrument. You have 4 options, sing and
fight with weapons, stand back and play instruments, a combination of the 2,
or play instruments and punch with your fists for about 1-5 damage a round.

Faras Tar'Linedhel


> -----Original Message-----
> From: lawman@... [mailto:lawman@...]
> Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 2:31 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Instruments in dual wield
> From: lawman@... (Thomas Mahn)
> OK all I am new to the list so plaese take it easy on me. Is
> it possible to
> dual wield with your instrument and your melee weapon? I use a water
> cyrstal staff and am in my 15 level of teching but am curious
> as to can the
> mandolin be placed in the second melee slott??
> Thx tribe
> Prexus
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