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Message ID: 4651
Date: Fri Jul 30 22:34:32 BST 1999
Author: Bob Stewart
Subject: Laptops

Bards are travelers, right? People who play bards may be travelers, too,
right? So this is bard related. Right.

I'm looking into buying a laptop and obviously it has to run EverQuest
reasonably well. Does anyone have experience with laptops and EverQuest,
or state-of-the-art games in general?

The only experience I have so far is disappointment with the high-end
Toshiba provided for my job. It has the one chipset EverQuest doesn't
support and when running in any graphic mode below 1024x768 it simply
reduces the size of what's displayed leaving a black border. Is it
possible for an LCD not to do that?
