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Message ID: 4656
Date: Fri Jul 30 23:24:36 BST 1999
Author: Steven S. Klug
Subject: Re: Laptops(OT)

I was looking into the same thing. I came to the conclusion that all the
laptops currently available have horrible 3d acceleration (3d acceleration
is required for EverQuest). There are two new chipset coming out soon for
laptops, one from S3, and one from ATI which should laregly alleviate this
problem. I decided to wait for one of these. ATI currently makes one that
is in Dell laptops, but it is fairly poor at 3d. The new S3 chipset looks
the most impressive, based off the savage 4.

As far as your borders around the edges of the screen, some laptops can do
scaling to scale the 640x480 up to the real LCD screen size, but it looks
really ugly. But if you got one of the newer laptops with the new S3
chipset, you could simply run at the full resolution of the display
(typically 1024x768 these days).

My laptop plans got aborted, because I decided I needed to get a new car
before my current one falls apart.

Laluni says, "Car? Laptop? What are these things? I certainly wouldn't
sit on your laptop, I don't know you that well!"

Laluni Songhammer, Bard of E'Ci.

At 05:19 PM 7/30/99 -0500, you wrote:
>From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
>I believe this months PC Magazine can still be bought on the news stand. It
>has some information on new laptops. It also has a review of EverQuest,
>getting 4 out of 5 stars.
>>From: Bob Stewart <dreambard@...>
>>I'm looking into buying a laptop and obviously it has to run EverQuest
>>reasonably well. Does anyone have experience with laptops and EverQuest,
>>or state-of-the-art games in general?
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Steven S. Klug
-- sklug@...