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Message ID: 4691
Date: Sun Aug 1 15:56:15 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: Bard Base Stat Survey

Here are my base stats:

(was naked running back to sk - dont ask - trying to solo a wounded darter)

Half Elf (MOSTLY Elf - very little hummie -- really!)

Str 75
Sta 70
Agi 90
Dex 95
Wis 75
Int 80
Cha 90

Had I known better - I woulda put no extra into either wis or int and put more in Str Agi & maybe Sta and Cha. For bards, wis and int only affect trade skills - which get nerfed so often - hard to be interested anymore. Maybe they affect speed of memming or scribing but so what. Maybe they affect ease or speed of kicking off a song or ability to play a new song - but Str affects how much weight you can carry which relates to how much armor you can wear which is how you get AC - duh.
