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Message ID: 4708
Date: Sun Aug 1 20:27:49 BST 1999
Author: Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)
Subject: RE: Yellow?!?

good idea, gotta remain optimistic hehe. got the next two days off woohoo!
wife still there, a ranger got thorny vine gloves. they have not gotten to
the boogeyman yet for the bard only armor. i may lose a lot of sleep
tonight staying up with my group in there hehe.


> From: "Douglass Family" <frd@...>
> Im not half your level but I feel the same way, work sucks,
> but look at it
> this way, if you work now, you are off during the week, less
> compitition for
> the good stuff.... At least that is what Ive found..
> Jaezebel Moonsong
> Innoruuk