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Message ID: 4712
Date: Sun Aug 1 20:46:15 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Playing with an enchanter

I got to group with my L29 enchanter friend again last night,
and we made a couple discoveries.

Charm does not cancel mesmerize. If you use Sirens on a
target the enchanter has mesmerized, you end up with a
mesmerized pet - it stands there looking dumb :-), and won't
respond to commands.

Lullaby overrides mesmerize (and I assume the higher level
version like enthrall). Mesmerize normally lasts about 30
seconds, but if I hit the mesmerized target with Lullaby, it
would "wake up" after the Lullaby sleep period (0-3 pulses)
was over. The higher level mesmerize variants can last as
long as 2 minutes, so this is definitely something you'll want
to be careful with.

John H. Kim