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Message ID: 4751
Date: Mon Aug 2 19:59:24 BST 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Lullaby interrupting casters

On Mon, Aug 02/99, John Kim <kim@...> wrote:
> Has anyone used Lullaby for this recently? I tried it against
> three or four casting mobs in Cazic. They nodded off to sleep
> probably about 50 times total, but I never saw a single
> interrupt message immediately following a nods. Did I just
> get extraordinarily unlucky with my timing, did they gimp
> Lullaby, or are lizards able to cast in their sleep?

It didn't work in Cazic when I tried it a month or so ago either so it
wasn't just bad luck. Either they gimped lullaby yet again or the Cazic
mobs are just able to cast in their sleep.

Having loved the way Lullaby worked back in beta (I was one of the bards
that had the entire population of Blackburrow asleep in that screenshot
on Stratics) I've had a on again off again relationship with Lullaby
since. Sometimes it seems to work great, and saves our whole partie's
butts, other times it's not worth keeping loaded. A couple of weeks ago
I had it loaded in lower guk, and used it when a pull in the undead
tower go _way_ more ghouls than normal. (anyone else notice that when
someone else stirs up that place and gates it stays stirred up even
after they gate?) Usually using an area effect song in that place is a
quick ticket out of the place, with it's buggy z axis allowing casters 2
floors down to detect and cast on you, but this time it slept a bunch of
ghouls long enough for my party to finish off way more than we normally
could have handled.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*