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Message ID: 4854
Date: Wed Aug 4 17:44:08 BST 1999
Author: RON_TALBOT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xxx
Subject: Experience and level diff.

I must respectfully but strongly disagree with your analysis. I have
noticed many times that lower members in a party get experience at a
slower rate then the higher level members of the party. I think the
earlier post about your level divided by the total levels in the group
is more accurate. (anybody know if this has been confirmed by V?)

I have also heard that there is a exp bonus for being in a large
group but have seen no evidence to this effect in my experiences. (I
do still prefer to group for safety and fun.)

19th level

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Subject: Re: [eqbards] RE: HighKeep Advice Needed
Author: Non-HP-lomack (lomack@...) at HP-ColSprings,mimegw5
Date: 8/4/99 9:03 AM

From: Lomack <lomack@...>

Roughly the way exp has always been explained to me and appears to function
like this at all levels.

If a level 20 25 and 29 players are all grouped and they kill a mob. Each
of them gets the same percentage of exp needed for their level. That means
that if the mob gives the level 29 player 2% of the total exp needed to
gain level 30. It will also give the level 20 player 2% of the exp that he
or she needs to gain level 21. (I'm talking total exp for the level not
what you still need left to make the next level)
Every time I go out adventuring. No matter what group I am in and what the
levels are. If I gain a bubbel of exp for say an hour of play. Everyone
else in the group appears to have also gained one bubbel of exp.
Reguardless of race or class. Now I am sure there are probably penalties
to some classes that could cause this to be inaccurate. However, they have
never been very noticible.
I believe Verant designed the exp system so that if say a group of 6
players reguardless of class and race always grouped and Never adventured
with out all the other members of the group. They would all level FAIRLY
but not exactly all the way to level 50. The same principle can be applied
when dealing with a mixed group. Eveeryone is going to level about the
same rate.
The reason it appears as though lower level people don't get as much exp is
that the higher level players require a larger percentage of exp to get
them to the next level. So if the group is killing blue things. The
highest level person will suck up more exp because the system is leveling
them roughly the same rate.

Just a not about this post. I know that there are rumors from some guides
and beta testers as well as other players that say certain mobs give
certain classes more exp. As well as the one that says some classes have
more penalties than others depending on the zone they are in. Thats why in
my above comments I used the words fairly and roughly. I'm not looking for
flames, Just though you might care to hear the point of view from soneone
who has plaied with groups well above me and well below me for a total of
68 levels worth of characters. Ones almost 30, most in their teens.

Master of Recruiting
The Crimson Knights
Fennin Ro

>> My first night as level 20 and I went
>> to HighHold Keep. Got into a group with
>> others ranging to 27 with me the lowest
>> most of the time.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but with a group of people that high up in level
>(up to 7 above you), isn't it true that you'd get very little to no
>experience from the fights? I remember when I was level 5 and my friend was
>level 9 and trying to help me out, I stopped getting experience when we were
>grouped because he was 4 levels above me. I've heard that even when the
>levels are closer, the people with the higher levels get more experience
>than the lower levels regardless of who does the most damage. Of course if
>you were just there for the fun, it wouldn't matter - but I was just curious
>if you got any experience from it.

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