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Message ID: 4856
Date: Wed Aug 4 17:58:47 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Bard Petition

Ok, here are my thoughts on what Bards could use to be better.

1. Increase some of the skill level caps. Having abilities that are capped
at below your starting racial point is silly. The bards that spend more
time using the skill should be able to gain in the ones they use. Maybe
make it harder to raise the skills, but at least allow it to raise to a
reasonable level. Not much point in getting Pick Locks at what 35th if the
only locks we would encounter at that level will always be impossible due to
our low skill cap. Assuming they start implementing locks, which I believe
they will, given time.

2. To bind or not to bind? I believe we should have bind, but others
vehemently disagree. I would favor a bind that is self only, with a mana
cost and I even like the idea of a material component like a beverage of
some kind. This could easily be used to replace our level 14 song which is
currently nearly useless due to the decision to allow item identification to
occurr as it did in Beta.

3. Bard specific weapons would be nice. I like the idea of the Singing
Sword, and most classes have weapons specific to them, we do not. Also many
classes have quests specifically tailored to their class that provide
excellent rewards once one has enough faction. We unfortunately have only
the drum quest. Nice, but very low level. The Winds of Karana quest seems
really cool, but my reward was a copy of Chant of Battle. Yeah, that's
useful, give me my starting spell again. On the other hand I can get the
Cleric Paladin only quest weapon, the non-bard 2HB quest weapon, the warrior
only 2HS quest weapon. Too bad my own people treat me worse than those

4. My biggest dissapointment at becoming a bard in the beginning, went to
buy a bow only to find we cannot use them. I could care less that they are
somewhat inefficient, I just wanted to be able to use one. It fits into
almost every concept of a bard in fantasy literature and games, but not in
EQ? Can't figure out why since it clearly is not unbalancing.

5. No harmony skill. There has to be some skill at playing the class.
Playing a bard is not twitchy. I weave 2 songs all the time despite 500ms
ping. Its not twitching to hit 2 keys about 6 seconds apart.

6. I think our rogue skill should function just like rogues. Isn't it
enough we have to wait to a high level to get what a rogue starts with?
Also sneaking while hiding should be possible once we have both skills, as
it is for rogues.

7. Fix the z axis problem. I hate that I can't use half my spells in any
multi level dungeon because some dazed goblin shaman two floors away heard
me, but the dazed goblin guard I can see doesn't. Its not a feature, its a
holdover from the anti-flying code.

Funny thing is 7 is all I canthink of right offhand. I still think bards
are a great class, most of my gripes are little things. I still hold to my
feeling that I will never play another non-binding class however.

Kitasi of E'ci

-----Original Message-----
From: Judson Sapp [mailto:JudsonSapp@...]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 10:33 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Bard Petition

From: "Judson Sapp" <JudsonSapp@...>

I read a post about starting back up the bard petition. I for one do not
like petitions but for some strange reason that seems to be the way to get
things fixed with this game. So I wrote the original writer of the Bard
petition and he wrote me back saying "If you rally some people to make new
comments, I will overhaul it and submit it to Brad". The ball is in our
court so I was hoping to see a bunch of new comments on things we would like
to have fixed or changed with the class.

On a personal note my Bard character is my favorite to play, and believe it
or not on the Magician mailing list everyone there complained a lot more
about there class. I have to say though that my Mage character was a lot
more balanced than my bard. And yet they keep helping the Mages out by
fixing their complaints. Maybe the squeaky wheel does get oil.

Suggestions: As my bard is still new I can offer only a few ideas to get
the ball rolling.

1. Some of our songs seem to do just about the same thing. My idea is
change the higher level song to do more. Ex. Chant seems to me (Stats
might be the factor) to be the better song to use over Warsong and Anthem.
I have seen a lot of debate over this but here is my point, there should be
no debate. The higher song should be better.
2. I love the idea of a harmony skill.
3. I think we should get a message if we succeed in hiding like the rouges
4. As far as binding goes, I am indifferent. From a role-playing stand
point it seems logical, but I can see why we do not have it also, so flip a
5. Have you ever played a Role Playing Game where a bard was not using a
crossbow or bow?
6. I love the idea about having a couple of Bard only weapons that can be
used as an instrument also. (Singing Sword to increase the affect of
singing songs, Or a whistling sword for wind) Who knows, a lot of ideas
here would help.

I hope this gets the ball rolling and as viewed as a constructive way to
help solve some bard issues.

Fair thee well friends!

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