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Message ID: 4858
Date: Wed Aug 4 17:29:23 BST 1999
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Bard Petition

This probably falls under the issue of 'balance'. For healing - I just
group with them anyway till they are healed, then simply ungroup.

For buffs - you're probably not supposed to be 'helping' those that are so
far under you that you would mess up their exp gains. Course - that doesn't
explain why ANY caster can do it - it lasts FAR longer, and they never have
to be grouped.....but that's likely the explaination anyway.

Our classes is DESIGNED for group stuff - I can also hear the howls now
that bards are killing SoW's left and right, either accidentally or on
purpose with Selo's.

At 12:58 PM 8/4/99 EDT, you wrote:
>From: MatiCat@...
>One thing that I would like added for bards, but I don't know if other's
>would want it, is a button we could toggle between 'Group' and 'All'. This
>would then effect our songs to effect only those in our group, or those with
>in the song's radius around us. Many times sitting at a guard tower I wish I
>could play the Hymn to help the people around me heal faster. Or in the
>newbie areas I'd love to buff their stats, but can't group because I kill
>their experience. Any other thoughts on this idea?
>-Reyen on Bristlebane