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Message ID: 5141
Date: Tue Aug 10 15:19:51 BST 1999
Author: DreamKing
Subject: Re: I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)

> There is no wandering. Everyone stays put.

Speak for yourself. Within my first 7 levels, I had been to all three
continents and more zones than I can remember. I'd much rather be
exploring Norrath than camping some mob for some spiffy item.

> Camping is a problem, everyone says, and we
> have all these solutions suggested and
> implemented. But, mmmm, none will work!
> Camping is central to EverQuest! Everyone
> camps! Everywhere!

Have to agree with you there. The problem in my opinion is that the
same mobs spawn in the same spots with the same items. This is a
mistake, but one that probably won't ever be fixed. However, the new
change to no-drop type items is about the best thing that Verant could
have done to combat the problem. Why camp for that great armor off of
someone in the Fear plane if you've already got it? You can't carry it
anyway. I'd almost like to see all armor and weapons dropped by mobs to
be no-drop items (that could be sold to merchants only).

> permafrost together, eventually reaching some
> deep section, then heading back to quit for
> the evening. This is an ideal, I wish I could
> be in THAT group, because I have NEVER ever
> ever ever been in a group like that.

That's pretty much how I play. I refuse to sit and camp some particular
spot for any amount of time. Go in, clear it out, be happy and leave.

> Either your group can Handle the best
> of a dungeon, in which case they get
> no experience as they battle their way
> through it to the end, or they
> camp the area where they get it.

In my opinion (your thoughts may vary), people worry *WAY* too much
about getting experience and advancing in levels. These people have too
much of a hack & slash mentality. I don't worry about gaining levels as
much as I do about seeing new things. At level 17 I had a great time
going through Infected Paw where everything was green to me. Did I gain
k00l d00d kr@d experience? Nope. Did I have a great time? Yup. And
guess what, I didn't spend all my time healing. I got to look around
and actually see the place. Quit worrying about reaching level 50 and
getting the bestest items in Norrath.

> A while back I was O so bored "camping the wall"

So why were you doing it? You're bored with something that you don't
have to be doing. Move on.

> I had a friend in traction 10 months for
> an accident.

And I'm sure if you died in real life, you wouldn't respawn in your

> My solution: No natural regeration of
> wounds, for anyone. This is not how
> wounds work, afterall. A warrior is
> wounded, make no natural regeneration
> but increase effect of bandages. They
> want healing, find a freaking cleric.

Then people complain, like you did above, about how much down time
there is even more. No thanks. People in real life (tm) do natually
regenerate - there's no reason to not do so in the game.

> gravity, and follows Einstein

Who says Einstein was correct? :)

> created out of thin air. It needs
> a source

Magic/mana as played in D&D is given by the player's diety, or could be
thought of as stamina, but for casters. You can run & jump all you want
until you're out of stamina, but when you get worn out you have to rest
to get your stamina back. Mana is like that for casters. They can cast
all they want, but they eventually get worn out and get a headache.
They rest a bit and can cast spells again.

> I want the game to require people to be
> on THE MOVE and not encourage them to sit
> around like they're lazy.

The only way this is going to happen is to make mobs respawn
dynamically. Meaning, in different spots. It's bad planning to have
static spawn points (even for players). It's even worse to make it so
that the *same* mobs have the *same* loot all the time (or on a

> When I fight this AI, it makes me bored.

No offense, but if you can do better - I'm sure we'll all be happy to
buy the game you do it in. You want "intelligent" AI? Buy Quake. Buy
Unreal. (Which was supposed to have great AI) Monster sees player.
Monster runs to player to try to kill. Monster dies or player dies. End
of encounter. EQ's mobs not only know when to run, they know to attack
the player doing the most damage to them, they also know to keep
attacking the player with the lowest health, and a few other things.
Sure, it's not perfect. But the game as a whole, is very good.

> Tradeskills are lacking.

No argument here. There's pretty much no reason to do any of them
unless you've got a lot of money to start Jewelry or Blacksmithing.

> It is like a moment locked in time,
> it never changes. No matter what
> anyone does, the NPCs will always
> be locked in that moment, regardless
> what level the real folk have gotten
> to. The "plot" is unchanging.

With 1500 people on a server all going through the same process,
unfortunately (or fortunately) these things must be that way, otherwise
nobody would EVER know what to do. Suppose all the lower level things
were already accomplished. Any new players coming into a new war
between Freeport and Neriak would be slaughtered. And how would you
document such things so that when players came into the world, they
could find out everything that came to be before them? A few years
after the game started, the amount of collected information would be
untrackable by new players.

> online rolplaying game with an ongoing plot!

Try to fathom the amount of programming and staff that this would
require. I can assure you that you wouldn't get such a game for $10 a

> The story sucks, folks. It wants to
> be a single player game, the story!!!

If you hate it so much, feel free to stop playing. Personally, my wife
and I like the story and background given quite a lot.

> To really encourage roleplaying and a
> community allow people access to an
> in-game print press. Where they can
> make their own newspapers or books.

Interesting idea for a trade skill. But it would be abused. Imagine
"Women of Norrath - Issue #69" by some krad k00l d00d clan.

> In Everquest, there's no option but
> combat, everything else sucks

In YOUR opinion. Personally, I find a great many things in Norrath to

> if you don't like the way combat
> works, well then you're fucked.

Not really.

1. Cancel account
2. C:\> del \everquest

You get from the game what you want to get from it. You paid for it,
you have a right to complain about it and I'm not one to argue your
complaints (I cant do jack about them). But I will say that for the
most part, I disagree with nearly everything you said. (For whatever
that matters) The game plays as you play. If you play a hack & slash,
you're going to get very bored, very quickly. If you put yourself into
the world and find players that do the same, then it can be quite a lot
of fun. You dont like camping? DONT FRIGGIN CAMP. Norrath is a large
world and there's a lot to see. Personally, I plan to start mapping. I
may not get experience, but I'm sure to have fun actually seeing
everything - perhaps even some stuff that isn't currently mapped or
known about.

PS: If you want to see something that'll make you happier about
EverQuest, try to check out someone playing the beta of Asheron's Call.
I'm beta testing it and it's no competition to EQ in any way.

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