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Message ID: 5163
Date: Tue Aug 10 22:26:08 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)

What would be cool, but probably impossible to implement, is a feature that
required you or your group to venture further into a dungeon in order to
find anything to fight. For example, you enter Befallen and fight your
first fight. In this scenario, the spawn doesn't reappear until you move on
further and fight the next spawn. If you were to return to the first spawn,
it would give you no experience or loot. The next group behind you can then
come in and fight the first spawn. In this scenario, groups progress
through the dungeon until they get to the end. Any nice reward would come
at the end when the group completes the dungeon by fighting the boss
creature. If dungeons worked this way, Verant could design dungeons around
a specific level range. As it stands right now, most dungeons are designed
for a large range of levels. For example, in Unrest, you can survive at
15th level by camping the yard trash. It takes someone high 20s/low 30s to
take on the big stuff in the basement. The hard part would be determining
the order groups got to enter into the dungeon. There would have to be some
form of cooperation or more GM/guide support but the task isn't impossible.

Just and idea thats probably been discussed before. For you programmers,
how hard would it be to design something like this? In the most recent
patch message, they state the Plane of Fear will be coded to prevent anyone
under level 46 from entering. Seems like Verant could program dungeons like
that also were they to implement something like I suggested.

Galtin of E'ci

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roop Dirump [SMTP:roop@...]
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 1999 9:49 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)
> From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
> I know this is a long post, my friends, but it's probably my very last
> post
> to this group, so I appologize. I apologize in advance for the language,
> if
> you are sensitive, stop now.
> There is no death in EverQuest, except psychologically. And I'm dying, I
> think.
> I have loved this list like no other board've known in some years. It is
> highly intellectual, why I bother you with this damned heavy luggage.
> Bored. I'm bored. Thinking of quiting because of it. Boredom, I
> imagine,
> would be probably the worst reason a designer would fear someone would
> give
> up on their massive online game like this. Boredom, really, is almost the
> worst of an insult. Someone is angry, that's better. They feel
> something,
> they're emotional about it, a love-turned-to-hate kind of thing,
> acceptable
> and expected. But boredom? Boredom, apathy, that's a lack of everything
> good. That would be scarry, at least if I were a developer, and that's
> what
> I am: not a developer but bored.
> Ah well, but boredom has it's good sides. It's a slower kind of emotion,
> lets you think. When you're bored, you're less apt to just quit outright,
> and instead ponder why, in fact, you ARE bored. So I've thought on it,
> and
> it's off-topic but I couldn't give a rat's ass but I'm posting it here
> because this is the only discussion area I've found where maybe someone
> could say something, anything, though I somehow doubt it would help.
> * It runs deep, I think. There is no wandering. Everyone stays put.
> Camping is a problem, everyone says, and we have all these solutions
> suggested and implemented. But, mmmm, none will work! Camping is central
> to EverQuest! Everyone camps! Everywhere! Been to Unrest? How else do
> you survive there but "camp the wall?" These people aren't camping for
> items, but just to play. Folks camp every dungeon, every outdoor zone.
> I've been to West Karanas and watched folks pulling lions to the wall.
> And
> it's the same everywhere else. Was suggested by a friend, since I so
> loathed camping, to play the south Karanas. I am currently "camped" there
> now, because that's all anyone does in such an outdoor zone as well!