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Message ID: 5176
Date: Wed Aug 11 14:24:59 BST 1999
Author: Llewrend Lynnhaven
Subject: Re: I'm dying I think, that is bored (OT)

Wow, for a second there I thought I was at the message
board at The Vault. Anyway, in comparison to UO, I
think everquest blows it away community wise, whereas
UO wins in character developement. Of course, in UO
everyone was basically the same character, and if
melee classes think they're screwed here.......

Anyway, if there was a perfect server out there with
perfect players all a playing, the moment you log on
it's no longer perfect. Just isn't the nature of our
world. Yes there are problems, and yes camping and
leveling are boring as hell, but game design is not
going to change that. Eventually the KeewL d00dz will
hit level 50 and go on to quake 3. The herd will thin
out, and you'll be able to start a low level character
and roleplay him and quest him to your hearts content.
EQ is not great in it's ability to spoon-feed you the
experiance, I think it's strength is it's ambiguity
(sp). It's vauge enough that you and your friends can
write your own stories and impose them upon the world.
I write stories for my guild based on the adventures
we've had. Granted I embellish a little to make it
more story and less game like, but the stories are
there for you to write. It's all about what you bring
to the table. And more important to make good friends
who like to roleplay than it is to get your polished
granite tommahawk. Bottom line is, I've never seen a
game people were willing to go through such great
lengths to both villanize and defend. And if you were
truely apathetic, you wouldn't have posted the message
you did. It shows you still care for the game, your
just frustrated, we all get that way. Right now EQ is
the best thing out there aside pen and paper we just
have to hash it out and make it better ourselves.
Verant can't make people better players, they can't
make people less selfish, they can't give a 12 year
old a sudden realization of maturity. Make the game
your own, travel with friends, and spend a lot of time
doing things with no tangable benifits. It all washes
out in the end.

But that's just me

Llewrend Lynnhaven
Wanderer of the Plains of Karana